create chunk from storagepool argument: Create a chunk from the storage pool (SQL administration API)

Use the create chunk from storagepool argument with the admin() or task() function to manually create a chunk from an entry in the storage pool.


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>>-EXECUTE FUNCTION--+-admin-+--(------------------------------->

>--"--create chunk from storagepool--"-------------------------->


Element Description Key Considerations
space_name The name of the storage space to which you are adding the chunk.  
initial_chunk_size The size, in kilobytes, of the initial chunk. See admin() and task() Argument Size Specifications.


You can also use an SQL administration API command with the modify space expand argument to manually create a chunk from the storage pool and add the chunk to the specified storage space. However, if the space has extendable chunks, Informix® might extend a chunk instead of creating a new one. Unlike the modify space expand argument, the create chunk from storagepool argument forces Informix to add a chunk.


The following command adds a chunk to the dbspace named logdbs. The new chunk has a size of 200 megabytes.

EXECUTE FUNCTION task("create chunk from storagepool", "logdbs", "200 MB");

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