Corrupt page during an archive
The message Archive detects that page is corrupt indicates that page validation failed. If you receive this message, you can identify the table that has the corrupt page.
16:27:49 Assert Warning: Archive detects that page 1:10164 is corrupt.
16:27:49 Who: Session(5, informix@cronus, 23467, 10a921048)
Thread(40, arcbackup1, 10a8e8ae8, 1)
File: rsarcbu.c Line: 2915
16:27:49 stack trace for pid 23358 written to /tmp/af.41043f4
16:27:49 See Also: /tmp/af.41043f4
16:27:49 Archive detects that page 1:10164 is corrupt.
16:27:50 Archive on rootdbs Completed with 1 corrupted pages detected.
The archive stops after detecting 10 corrupt pages. The online.log file displays the full error message, including the page address, for the first 10 errors. Subsequently, only the count of the number of corrupt pages is put in to the online.log.
After you receive this message, identify which table the corrupt page belongs to by examining the output of the oncheck –pe command. To determine the extent of the corruption, execute the oncheck –cID command for that table.
A corrupt page is saved onto the backup media. During a restore, the corrupt page is returned in its corrupt form. No errors messages are written to the online.log when corrupt pages are restored, only when they are archived.