Changing the system time on the backup system

In some circumstances when there is a problem with the system time, ON-Bar fails with the message There are no storage spaces or logical logs to backup or restore. If this occurs, you can take steps to solve the problem.

Time lines use the UNIX time as the archive checkpoint time for dbspaces and the closing time for logical logs. If logs are not automatically backed up and the system clock is changed, the time line can get corrupted.

For example, if you have logical logs that were closed before the archive checkpoint time, they have a timestamp that is higher than the archive checkpoint time. The dbspace does not need the logs and ON-Bar will try to restore the backup immediately. if a log cannot be found, ON-Bar fails with the following message: There are no storage spaces or logical logs to backup or restore.

To restore the storage space and logical logs:

  1. Change the clock back to its original value.
  2. Recover the system from backup.
  3. Change the clock back to the new time.