BAR_DEBUG configuration parameter
Use the BAR_DEBUG configuration parameter to specify the amount of debugging information that the database server captures in the ON-Bar activity log.
- onconfig.std value
- values
- 0 = Do not display debugging information.
- 1 = Print a small amount of information
- 2 = Print a message every time ON-Bar:
- Enters a function.
- Exits a function. The message includes the return code for the function.
- 3 = Print exit and entry information with additional details.
- 4 = Also print information about ON-Bar parallel operations.
- 5 = Also print information about:
- Objects that are being backed up or restored.
- The act_node structure corresponding with the bar_action table.
- 6 = Print additional information about:
- Objects that are being backed up or restored.
- The act_node structure corresponding with the bar_action table.
- 7 = Also print:
- Information about the contents of the ins_node structure corresponding with the bar_instance table.
- Information about modifications to the bar_action table.
- Information about logical logs and objects that are restored.
- SQL statements done on the sysutils database and SQLCODES that were returned.
- 8 = Also print page headers of all pages archived and restored. This setting requires a large amount of space.
- 9 = Print the contents of:
- The bar_ins structure after it was initialized.
- The object descriptors that are cold restored.
- takes effect
- Immediately after you edit your onconfig file for any currently executing ON-Bar command and any subsequent commands. Any ON-Bar command that is currently executing when you update BAR_DEBUG reads the new value of BAR_DEBUG and prints debug messages at the new level.
- When you reset the value dynamically in your onconfig file by running the onmode -wf or equivalent SQL administration API command.
The default value of 0 displays no debugging information. Set the BAR_DEBUG configuration parameter to a higher value to display more detailed debugging information in the ON-Bar activity log.
You can dynamically update the value of BAR_DEBUG in the onconfig file during a session.