Syntax for archecker utility commands

The archecker utility provides a command-line interface for restoring data from an archive. To use archecker, you must specify both a configuration file and a schema command file.

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>--+-+-+- -b-+--| Table-level restore |--+-----+-+--+-----+--+-----+-+-><
   | | '- -t-'                           '- -d-' |  '- -v-'  '- -s-' |   
   | +- -D---------------------------------------+                   |   
   | '- -i---------------------------------------'                   |   
   +- -V-------------------------------------------------------------+   
   '- -version-------------------------------------------------------'   

Table-level restore

   '- -X--+---------------------------------------+-'   
          | '- -f--cmd_file-'  '- -l--+-phys--+-' |     
          |                           +-stage-+   |     
          |                           '-apply-'   |     
          '- -D-----------------------------------'     

Table 1. Options for the archecker command
Element Description
-b Provides direct XBSA access for backups created with ON-Bar.
-d Deletes previous archecker restore files, except the archecker message log. For more information, see When to delete restore files.
-D Deletes previous archecker restore files, except the archecker message log, and then exits.

The -D option can be used with the -X option to delete previous restore files plus any table-level-restore working tables in the sysutils database. For more information, see When to delete restore files.

-f cmdfile Specifies that archecker use the command file specified by cmdfile. This option overrides the value of the AC_SCHEMA configuration parameter. For more information, see Schema command file.
-i Manually initializes the system.
Specifies the level of logical restore:
Starts a logical restore of the system, but stops after physical recovery is complete. The backed up logical logs must be available.
After physical recovery is complete, extracts the logical logs from the storage manager and stages them in their corresponding tables, and starts the stager.
Starts the applier. The applier takes the transactions stored in the stage tables and converts them to SQL and replays the operations.

The default level of logical restore if -l is not listed is -lphys,stage,apply. You can specify any combination of the logical restore levels, separated with commas. Spaces are not allowed between -l and levels.

For more information, see Manually control a logical restore.

-s Prints a status message to the screen.
-t Specifies ontape as the backup utility.
-v Specifies verbose mode.
-X Specifies a table-level restore.
-V Displays HCL Informix® version information.
-version Displays additional version information about the build operation system, build number, and build date for HCL Informix.

When you use ON-Bar, you can use an ON-Bar command to access archecker information to verify a backup. For information on the syntax for this command, see onbar -v syntax: Verifying backups.