Configuring a third-party storage manager

Storage managers have slightly different installation and configuration requirements. If you use a third-party storage manager, make sure that you follow the manufacturer instructions carefully. If you have difficulty with the storage-manager installation and configuration, contact the manufacturer directly.

For the list of certified storage managers for your ON-Bar version, consult your marketing representative.
Important: Some storage managers let you specify the data to back up to specific storage devices. Configure the storage manager to back up logical logs to one device and storage spaces to a different device for more efficient backups and restores.

To configure a third-party storage manager:

  1. Set ON-Bar configuration parameters and environment variables.
  2. Configure the storage manager so that ON-Bar can communicate correctly with it. For information, see your storage-manager documentation.
  3. Configure your storage devices by following the instructions in your storage-manager documentation. The storage manager must know the device names of the storage devices that it uses.
  4. Label your storage volumes.
  5. Mount the storage volumes on the storage devices.
  6. Create the storage-manager definition in the sm_versions file. Use the definition provided by the vendor of the third-party storage manager.
    1. Copy the sm_versions.std template to a new file, sm_versions in the $INFORMIXDIR/etc directory on UNIX or the %INFORMIXDIR%\etc directory on Windows.
    2. Create your own sm_versions file with the correct data for the storage manager by using the format in sm_versions.std as a template. To find out which code name to use in sm_versions for third-party storage managers, see the storage-manager documentation.
    3. Stop any ON-Bar processes (onbar_d, onbar_w, or onbar_m) that are currently running and restart them for the changes to take effect.
  7. Verify that the BAR_BSALIB_PATH configuration parameter points to the correct XBSA shared library for your storage manager.
  8. If you enabled deduplication for your storage manager, set the IFX_BAR_USE_DEDUP environment variable and restart the database server.
  9. ON-Bar uses the value of the SERVERNUM configuration parameter as part of the storage path for the logical logs in the storage manager. If the storage manager does not use a wildcard for the server number, set the appropriate server number environment variable for the storage manager.

After you configure the storage manager and storage devices and label volumes for your database server and logical-log backups, you are ready to initiate a backup or restore operation with ON-Bar.