Verifying the configuration of ON-Bar and your storage manager
Before you begin using ON-Bar and your storage manager, make sure that ON-Bar and your storage manager are set up correctly.
Verify your configuration by checking the items in the
following list:
- The storage manager is installed and configured to manage specific storage devices.
- For UNIX, make sure that the BAR_BSALIB_PATH configuration parameter specifies correctly the XBSA shared library or it is not set and the library is in the default location.
- For Windows, make sure that the BAR_BSALIB_PATH configuration parameter specifies correctly the XBSA shared library.
- The sm_versions file contains a row that identifies the version number of the storage-manager-specific XBSA shared library.
After you verify that ON-Bar and your storage manager are set up correctly, run ON-Bar on your test database to make sure that you can back up and restore data. For more information, follow the instructions in Back up with ON-Bar.