External restore commands

Use the onbar -r -e command to perform a warm or cold external restore. This command marks the storage spaces as physically restored and restores the logical logs. The following diagram shows the external restore syntax.

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Performing an external restore with ON-Bar

>>-onbar -r-- -e--+-----------------------+--+---------------+-->
                  |                   (1) |  +- -p-----------+   
                  '-| Rename chunks |-----'  +- -t--time-----+   
                                             '- -n--last_log-'   

   '- -O-'  +- -f--filename------+   
            | .--------------.   |   
            | V              |   |   
            '- -w--+-----------+-'   
                   +- -t--time-+     
                   '- -n--log--'     

  1. See onbar -b syntax: Backing up
Element Purpose Key considerations
onbar -r Specifies a restore In a cold restore, if you do not specify storage space names, all of them are marked as restored.
-e Specifies an external restore Must be used with the -r option. In a warm external restore, marks the down storage spaces as restored unless the -O option is specified.
dbspace_list Names one or more storage spaces to be marked as restored in a warm restore If you do not enter dbspace_list or -f filename and the database server is online or quiescent, ON-Bar marks only the down storage spaces as restored. If you enter more than one storage-space name, use a space to separate the names.
-ffilename Restores the storage spaces that are listed in the text file whose path name filename provides To avoid entering a long list of storage spaces every time, use this option. The filename can be any valid UNIX or Windows file name.
-n last_log Indicates the number of the last log to restore If any logical logs exist after this one, ON-Bar does not restore them and data is lost. The -n option does not work with the -p option.
-O Restores online storage spaces None.
-p Specifies an external physical restore only After the physical restore completes, you must perform a logical restore.
-t time Restores the last backup before the specified point in time. If you pick a backup made after the point in time, the restore will fail. You can use a point-in-time restore in a cold restore only. You must restore all storage spaces.

How you enter the time depends on your current GLS locale convention. If the GLS locale is not set, use English-style date format.

-w Performs a whole-system restore of all storage spaces and logical logs from the last whole-system backup You must specify the -w option in a cold restore.

If you specify onbar -r -w without a whole-system backup, return code 147 appears because ON-Bar cannot find any storage spaces backed up as part of a whole-system backup.