BAR_ACT_LOG configuration parameter
Use the BAR_ACT_LOG configuration parameter to specify the full path name of the ON-Bar activity log.
- onconfig.std value
- UNIX: BAR_ACT_LOG $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/bar_act.log
- Windows: BAR_ACT_LOG %INFORMIXDIR%\tmp\bar_act.log
- range of values
- Full path name
- takes effect
- When onbar-driver starts
- When you reset the value dynamically in your onconfig file by running the onmode -wf or equivalent SQL administration API command.
You should specify a path to an existing directory with an appropriate amount of space available or use $INFORMIXDIR/bar_act.log.
Whenever a backup or restore activity or error occurs, ON-Bar writes a brief description to the activity log. The format of the file resembles the format of the database server message log. You can examine the activity log to determine the results of ON-Bar actions.
The file specified by the BAR_ACT_LOG configuration parameter is created if it does not exist. If the ON-Bar command (or any ON-Bar-related utility such as the onsmsync utility) never ran on the system, then the file does not exist.
The sysbaract_log table is a system monitoring interface pseudo table that reads data from the file specified by BAR_ACT_LOG. The following errors are returned if you attempt to query the sysbaract_log on a system where the BAR_ACT_LOG file does not exist:
244: Could not do a physical-order read to fetch next row.
101: ISAM error: file is not open.
Usage when you specify a file name only
If you specify a file name only in the BAR_ACT_LOG configuration parameter, ON-Bar creates the ON-Bar activity log in the working directory in which you started ON-Bar. For example, if you started ON-Bar from /usr/mydata on UNIX, the activity log is written to that directory.
For UNIX, if the database server launches a continuous logical-log backup, ON-Bar writes to the ON-Bar activity log in the working directory for the database server.
For Windows, if the database server launches a continuous logical-log backup, ON-Bar writes to the activity log in the %INFORMIXDIR%\bin directory instead.