Backup Services API (XBSA)

ON-Bar and the storage manager communicate through the Backup Services Application Programming Interface (XBSA), which enables the storage manager to manage media for the database server. By using an open-system interface to the storage manager, ON-Bar can work with various storage managers that also use XBSA.

Each storage manager develops and distributes a unique version of the XBSA shared library. You must use the version of the XBSA shared library provided with the storage manager. For example, if you use HCL Informix® Primary Storage Manager, you must also use the XBSA shared library provided with ON-Bar. ON-Bar and the XBSA shared library must be compiled the same way (32-bit or 64-bit).

ON-Bar uses XBSA to exchange the following types of information with a storage manager:
Control data
ON-Bar exchanges control data with a storage manager to verify that ON-Bar and XBSA are compatible, to ensure that objects are restored in the correct order to the correct instance of the database server, and to track the history of backup objects.
Backup or restore data
During backups and restores, ON-Bar and the storage manager use XBSA to exchange data from specified storage spaces or logical-log files.

ON-Bar uses XBSA transactions to ensure data consistency. All operations included in a transaction are treated as a unit. All operations within a transaction must succeed for objects transferred to the storage manager to be restorable.