Performing a warm external restore

The database server is online during a warm external restore. A warm external restore involves only noncritical storage spaces.

To perform a warm external restore:

  1. To restore the storage spaces from an external backup, use a copy command, such as cp, dd, or tar on UNIX or a file-backup program.

    You must restore the storage spaces to the same path as the original data and include all the chunk files for each restored storage space.

  2. Perform a warm external restore of the noncritical storage spaces to bring them online.
    • To restore selected storage spaces and all logical logs, use the onbar -r -e dbspace_list command.
    • To restore the down noncritical storage space named dbsp1 and logical logs in separate steps, use the following commands:
      • onbar -r -e -p dbsp1
      • onbar -r -l dbsp1
    • To restore all the noncritical storage spaces and logical logs, use the onbar -r -e -O command.