Print the backup boot files
Use the following examples of what to add to the onbar script to print the emergency boot file if the backup is successful. Each time that you issue the onbar -b command, the emergency boot file is printed.
The following example is for UNIX:
onbar_d "$@" # receives onbar arguments from command line return_code = $?
# check return code
# if backup (onbar -b) is successful, prints emergency boot file
if [$return_code -eq 0 -a "$1" = "-b"]; then
servernum=‘awk '/^SERVERNUM/ {print $2}' $INFORMIXDIR/etc/$ONCONFIG '
lpr \$INFORMIXDIR/etc/ixbar.$servernum
exit $return_code
The following example is for Windows:
@echo off
%INFORMIXDIR%\bin\onbar_d %*
set onbar_d_return=%errorlevel%
if "%onbar_d_return%" == "0" goto backupcom
goto skip
REM Check if this is a backup command
if "%1" == "-b" goto printboot
goto skip
REM Print the onbar boot file
print %INFORMIXDIR%\etc\ixbar.???
REM Set the return code from onbar_d (this must be on the last line of the script)
%INFORMIXDIR%\bin\set_error %onbar_d_return%