Configuring Informix Primary Storage Manager

By default, the HCL Informix® Primary Storage Manager is automatically configured with the information specified in the storage manager and with some ON-Bar configuration parameters. It is also automatically configured when you use the onpsm utility. You can change the configuration.

The Informix Primary Storage Manager uses file devices (disks) only, not tapes. You cannot configure the storage manager to use tapes.

To manually configure the Informix Primary Storage Manager:

  1. Update the BAR_BSALIB_PATH configuration parameter to point to the storage manager library.
    For example, on Linux or Solaris, specify:
  2. Specify the destination and source devices for backup and restore operations by using the onpsm utility.
  3. Change the default configuration for the storage manager if necessary for your environment:
    1. To override the default values for the location of storage manager log files and catalogs, debugging activity, and pool names, specify new values in the Informix Primary Storage Manager configuration parameters.
    2. To specify a larger transfer buffer with ON-Bar and the Informix Primary Storage Manager, increase the size in the BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE configuration parameter.
    3. To change the frequency of the progress messages in the ON-Bar activity log, update the value specified in the BAR_PROGRESS_FREQ configuration parameter.
    4. To change the number of processes that ON-Bar runs concurrently, update the value specified in the BAR_MAX_BACKUP configuration parameter.