onpsm -D list output

The onpsm -D list command displays information about all of the devices in each HCL Informix® Primary Storage Manager pool. You can use this list to determine whether you need to change information about your devices.

Sample onpsm -D list command output

Type   Prio     Block/Size (MB)  Pool Name     Device Name
-----  -------  ---------------  ------------  ----------------------------
FILE    LOW         --/--        DBSPOOL      /informix/backups

FILE    LOW         --/--        LOGPOOL      /informix/backups
Type of device, either FILE or TAPE (Currently only the FILE type is supported.)
Priority of the device, either HIGH, HIGHEST, LOW, or READ-ONLY

HIGH is the default priority if a priority is not specified. Only one device in a pool can have a priority of HIGHEST.

Block Size
Size of the device (only applies to devices of the TAPE type)
Pool Name
The name of the pool (DBSPOOL, LOGPOOL, or EXTPOOL)

In the example output above, there are no EXTPOOL devices.

Device Name
Complete path name for the device