You can run a silent uninstallation of Client SDK and Informix®
Connect on UNIX and Linux operating
You must be logged in as a root user.
Silent uninstallation of Client SDK and
Connect does not require a response file. A
response file is required only if you want to customize the uninstallation. The only way to create
the response file for silent uninstallation of a client product is to record a GUI or console
uninstallation of the product in the first directory where you want to remove it. You cannot create
the response file by modifying the template file.
To uninstall client products in silent mode:
- Optional: If you want to create a response file, select a product installation that you want to uninstall
with customized settings that are reusable for uninstallation of the same product on other
- Optional: Start a Client SDK or Informix Connect product uninstallation application in
GUI or console mode and specify the -i -r path_name option on the command line,
replacing path_name with a full path to the response file that you want to record. For example, if you want to uninstall Informix Connect in console mode and record the
uninstallation in a response file at C:/informix/uninstall.ini, you would
$INFORMIXDIR/uninstall/uninstall_connect/uninstallconnect -i -r uninstall.ini
If you want to uninstall Client SDK, use
the uninstall/uninstall_csdk/uninstallclientsdk command. The -i -r
path_name option can be used together with the -gui option in the same
command line if you prefer to perform the uninstallation in GUI mode.
- Optional: Copy the response file to the computer where you want to uninstall the same client
- Run the uninstallation command for the product with the -i silent option. If
you are using a response file, indicate the relative or absolute path to the response file after the
-f option.
Attention: Do not pass the -f path_name argument
shown in the following example if you are not using a response file.
- Client SDK:
uninstall/uninstall_csdk/uninstallclientsdk -i silent -f
- Informix
uninstall/uninstall_connect/uninstallconnect -i silent -f