The mi_error_sql_state() function

The mi_error_sql_state() function retrieves the value of the SQLSTATE status variable from an error descriptor.


mi_integer mi_error_sql_state(err_desc, sqlstate_buf, buflen)
   MI_ERROR_DESC *err_desc;
   char *sqlstate_buf;
   mi_integer buflen;
A pointer to the error descriptor that describes the SQL error or warning.
A pointer to a buffer to contain the SQLSTATE value from the err_desc error descriptor.
The allocated size of the sqlstate_buf buffer. It must be at least six bytes long; otherwise, mi_error_sql_state() raises an exception.
Valid in client LIBMI application? Valid in user-defined routine?
Yes Yes


The mi_error_sql_state() function copies the value of the SQLSTATE status variable from the error descriptor that err_desc references into the user-allocated buffer that sqlstate_buf references. The SQLSTATE status value is a sequence of five ASCII characters with a null byte at the end. To indicate success, SQLSTATE contains a value of "00000". Other values indicate types of warnings and runtime errors. In particular, an SQLSTATE value of "IX000" indicates a database server-specific error, which the value of SQLCODE identifies. You can use the mi_error_sqlcode() function to obtain the SQLCODE value from an error descriptor.

This function is intended for use with the MI_ERROR_DESC structure passed to a callback routine when the callback exception is of event type MI_Exception.

For general information about how to obtain information from an error descriptor, see the HCL Informix DataBlade API Programmer's Guide.

Return values

The function was successful.
The function was not successful.

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