Check routine arguments
The user state of a C UDR provides the following information
about routine arguments:
- Data type information about any arguments
- Boolean value to indicate whether an argument is NULL
The following table lists the DataBlade
API accessor
functions that obtain and set information about routine arguments
in an MI_FPARAM structure.
Argument information | DataBlade API accessor function |
The number of arguments for the UDR with which the MI_FPARAM structure is associated | mi_fp_nargs() mi_fp_setnargs() |
The type identifier of each argument that the MI_FPARAM structure contains | mi_fp_argtype() mi_fp_setargtype() |
The length of each argument that the MI_FPARAM structure contains | mi_fp_arglen() mi_fp_setarglen() |
The precision (total number of digits) of each argument that the MI_FPARAM structure contains | mi_fp_argprec() mi_fp_setargprec() |
The scale of each argument that the MI_FPARAM structure contains | mi_fp_argscale() mi_fp_setargscale() |
Whether each argument that the MI_FPARAM structure contains is an SQL NULL value | mi_fp_argisnull() mi_fp_setargisnull() |