Handling varying-length opaque-type arguments
For UDR arguments that are varying-length opaque types, the routine manager puts the data into an mi_bitvarying varying-length structure. It then passes a pointer to this mi_bitvarying structure as the MI_DATUM structure for the UDR argument. Your UDR must extract the actual opaque-type data from the data portion of the mi_bitvarying varying-length structure.
For more information about how to access varying-length structures, see A varying-length structure.
Suppose that you want to create a user-defined function named image_id() that
accepts a varying-length opaque type named image (which is
defined in Figure 1)
and returns its integer image identifier (img_id). The following
CREATE FUNCTION statement registers the image_id() function
in the database:
CREATE FUNCTION image_id(arg1 image)
EXTERNAL NAME '/usr/udrs/image/image.so'
Because image is a varying-length data type, the following
declaration of image_id() specifies an mi_bitvarying pointer
as the parameter data type even though the function is registered
to accept a value of type image:
/* Valid C UDR declaration for varying-length opaque-type
* parameter
mi_integer image_id(image)
mi_bitvarying *image;
The following declaration of image_id() is invalid because
it specifies an image pointer as the parameter data type:
/* INVALID declaration for varying-length opaque-type
* parameter
mi_integer image_id(image)
image_t *image;
The image_id() function in the preceding declaration would not execute correctly because it interprets its argument as the internal structure for image (image_t) when the routine manager actually sends this argument as an mi_bitvarying value.
The following code fragment shows the implementation of the image_id() function.
#include <mi.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <image.h>
mi_integer image_id(image)
mi_bitvarying *image;
image_t *image_ptr;
/* Obtain pointer to image_t structure, contained
* within the data portion of the mi_bitvarying
* structure.
image_ptr = (image_t *)mi_get_vardata((mi_lvarchar *)image);
return (image_ptr->img_id);
Tip: A C UDR that returns varying-length
opaque-type data must return a pointer to an mi_bitvarying structure.
For more information, see Return opaque-type values.