The Connection and Session options
Use the Connection option if you want to connect to a specific database server and database or explicitly disconnect from the current database environment. Use the Session option to display information about the current DB-Access session.
For the globalization considerations that apply to establishing a connection between a client application, such as DB-Access, and a database, see the HCL Informix GLS User's Guide. The database server examines the client locale information passed by the client, verifies the database locale, and determines the server-processing locale for transferring data between the client and the database.
You can use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, a communication protocol that ensures privacy and integrity of data that is transmitted over the network, for DB-Access connections with HCL Informix®. For information about the SSL protocol, see Secure sockets layer protocol.
On Windows, if you specify a user identifier but no domain name for a connection to a machine that expects both a domain name and a user name (domain\user), DB-Access checks only the local machine and the primary domain for the user account. If you explicitly specify a domain name, that domain is used to search for the user account. The attempted connection fails with error -951 if no matching domain\user account is found on the local machine.
Option | Purpose |
Connect | Connects to a database environment. To access a specific database, you must have permission. |
Disconnect | Disconnects from the current database environment |
Exit | Returns to the DB-Access main menu |
- If no current connection exists or the current connection is an implicit default connection, all the databases that are listed in the DBPATH environment variable setting are displayed.
- If a current explicit connection exists, all the databases in the DBPATH that pertain to the current server are displayed.