The createdw.sql file
This file creates the new sales_demo database with
logging and then creates tables within that database. It contains
the following statements:
create database sales_demo with log;
create table product (
product_code integer,
product_name char(31),
vendor_code char(3),
vendor_name char(15),
product_line_code smallint,
product_line_name char(15));
create table customer (
customer_code integer,
customer_name char(31),
company_name char(20));
create table sales (
customer_code integer,
district_code smallint,
time_code integer,
product_code integer,
units_sold smallint,
revenue money (8,2),
cost money (8,2),
net_profit money(8,2));
create table time
time_code int,
order_date date,
month_code smallint,
month_name char(10),
quarter_code smallint,
quarter_name char(10),
year integer
create table geography (
district_code serial,
district_name char(15),
state_code char(2),
state_name char(18),
region smallint);