The loaddw.sql file
This file contains the commands necessary to load data
from two sources:
- The files with the extension .unl in your demonstration directory
- Data selected from the stores_demo database
These SQL statements in loaddw.sql accomplish
these actions:
connect to "stores_demo ";
load from "add_orders.unl"
insert into stores_demo :orders;
load from 'add_items.unl'
insert into stores_demo :items;
connect to "sales_demo";
load from 'costs.unl'
insert into cost;
load from 'time.unl'
insert into time;
insert into geography(district_name, state_code, state_name)
select distinct, s.code, s.sname
from stores_demo :customer c, stores_demo :state s
where c.state = s.code;
update geography -- converts state_code values to region values
set region = 1
where state_code = "CA";
update geography
set region = 2
where state_code <> "CA";
insert into customer (customer_code, customer_name, company_name)
select c.customer_num, trim(c.fname) || " " || c.lname,
from stores_demo :customer c;
insert into product (product_code, product_name, vendor_code,
vendor_name, product_line_code, product_line_name)
select a.catalog_num,
trim(m.manu_name) || " "|| s.description,
m.manu_code, m.manu_name, s.stock_num, s.description
from stores_demo :catalog a, stores_demo :manufact m,
stores_demo :stock s
where a.stock_num = s.stock_num and
a.manu_code = s.manu_code and
s.manu_code = m.manu_code;
insert into sales (customer_code, district_code,
time_code, product_code,
units_sold, revenue, cost, net_profit)
select c.customer_num, g.district_code, t.time_code, p.product_code,
SUM(i.quantity), SUM(i.total_price),
SUM(i.quantity * x.cost),
SUM(i.total_price) - SUM(i.quantity * x.cost)
from stores_demo :customer c, geography g, time t,
product p,
stores_demo :items i, stores_demo :orders o, cost x
where c.customer_num = o.customer_num and
o.order_num = i.order_num and
p.product_line_code = i.stock_num and
p.vendor_code = i.manu_code and
t.order_date = o.order_date and
p.product_code = x.product_code and = g.district_name
GROUP BY 1,2,3,4;
connect to "stores_demo ";
load from 'add_orders.unl'
insert into stores_demo :orders;
load from 'add_items.unl'
insert into stores_demo :items;
connect to "sales_demo";
load from 'costs.unl'
insert into cost;
load from 'time.unl'
insert into time;
insert into geography(district_name, state_code, state_name)
select distinct, s.code, s.sname
from stores_demo :customer c, stores_demo :state s
where c.state = s.code;
update geography -- converts state_code values to region values
set region = 1
where state_code = "CA";
update geography
set region = 2
where state_code <> "CA";
insert into customer (customer_code, customer_name, company_name)
select c.customer_num, trim(c.fname) || " " || c.lname,
from stores_demo :customer c;
insert into product (product_code, product_name, vendor_code,
vendor_name, product_line_code, product_line_name)
select a.catalog_num,
trim(m.manu_name) || " " || s.description,
m.manu_code, m.manu_name, s.stock_num, s.description
from stores_demo :catalog a, stores_demo :manufact m,
stores_demo :stock s
where a.stock_num = s.stock_num and
a.manu_code = s.manu_code and
s.manu_code = m.manu_code;
insert into sales (customer_code, district_code,
time_code, product_code,
units_sold, revenue, cost, net_profit)
select c.customer_num, g.district_code, t.time_code, p.product_code,
SUM(i.quantity), SUM(i.total_price),
SUM(i.quantity * x.cost),
SUM(i.total_price) - SUM(i.quantity * x.cost)
from stores_demo :customer c, geography g, time t, product p,
stores_demo :items i, stores_demo :orders o, cost x
where c.customer_num = o.customer_num and
o.order_num = i.order_num and
p.product_line_code = i.stock_num and
p.vendor_code = i.manu_code and
t.order_date = o.order_date and
p.product_code = x.product_code and = g.district_name
GROUP BY 1,2,3,4;