Adding code for the AddInts() function to the code generated by BladeSmith
BladeSmith generates two source code files for the AddInts DataBlade module,
which you can see in Visual C++ under the Source Files node
in the File view:
- udr.c. For user-defined routines. You must add code to implement the functions in this file.
- support.c. For tracing and BladeSmith utility functions. Do not edit this file.
BladeSmith generates the following functions for the AddInts DataBlade module,
which you can see under the Globals node in
the Class view:
- AddInts(). This is the only function that you modify. It is in the udr.c file.
- Gen_nstrwords(). A BladeSmith utility function not used in the generated code for the AddInts() function. It is in the support.c file.
- Gen_Trace(). A BladeSmith utility function to process trace messages and errors. It is in the support.c file.
To implement the AddInts() function: