** Title: Poem.c
** SCCSid: dbdktxa.ide, dbdk_tut, v11.10.UC1 07/07/05 10:31:18
** CCid: dbdktxa.ide, dbdk_tut, v11.10.UC1 07/07/05 10:31:18
** Author:
** Created: 05/18/1999 20:14
** Description: This is a generated source file for the Poem DataBlade module.
** Comments: Generated for project Poem.1.0
** The following is placed here to insure
** that name "mangling" does not occur.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/* Standard library includes. */
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
/* Used by Informix GLS routines. */
#include <ifxgls.h>
/* Include when accessing the Informix API. */
#include <mi.h>
/* This is the project include file. */
#include "Poem.h"
/* {{FUNCTION(92e262ad-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000) (MergeSection) */
** Function name:
** PoemAssign
** Description:
** This function is called when rows are inserted into the a table.
** You can provide special handling for the Poem type here.
** Since the Poem type contains an MI_LO_HANDLE attribute, code is
** supplied here to maintain its reference count. This insures
** that the large object is not dropped while a record in the
** database stores a pointer to it.
** The assign and destroy functions must be present if the input
** or output functions are used. Missing this function will cause
** SmartBlob error 12059.
** Special Comments:
** Support routine for opaque type Poem returns Poem.
** Parameters:
** Poem * Gen_param1; Pointer to the input text.
** MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam; Standard info - see DBDK docs.
** Return value:
** Poem * The constructed UDT value.
** History:
** 05/18/1999 - Generated by BladeSmith Version 4.00.517.
** Identification:
** Warning: Do not remove or modify this comment:
** PoemAssign FunctionId: 92e262ad-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000
Poem *
Poem * Gen_param1, /* The UDT value. */
MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam /* Standard info - see DBDK docs. */
MI_CONNECTION * Gen_Con; /* The current connection. */
Poem * Gen_InData; /* The input UDT value. */
/* Get the current connection handle. */
Gen_Con = mi_open( NULL, NULL, NULL );
/* Verify that the connection has been established. */
if( Gen_Con == 0 )
** Opening the current connection has failed
** so issue the following message and quit.
** "Connection has failed in PoemAssign."
/* not reached */
/* Point to the input data. */
Gen_InData = Gen_param1;
/* If the LO is valid ... */
if( mi_lo_validate( Gen_Con, &Gen_InData->poem ) == 0 )
/* ... increment its reference count. */
mi_lo_increfcount( Gen_Con, &Gen_InData->poem );
/* Close the connection. */
mi_close( Gen_Con );
return Gen_InData;
/* }}FUNCTION (#OILD) */
/* {{FUNCTION(92e262ae-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000) (MergeSection) */
** Function name:
** PoemDestroy
** Description:
** This function is called when rows are removed from the a table.
** You can provide special handling for the Poem type here.
** Since the Poem type contains a MI_LO_HANDLE attribute, code is
** supplied here to maintain its reference count. This insures
** that the large object is not dropped while a record in the
** database stores a pointer to it.
** The assign and destroy functions must be present if the input
** or output functions are used. Missing this function will cause
** SmartBlob error 12059.
** Special Comments:
** Support routine for opaque type Poem returns void.
** Parameters:
** Poem * Gen_param1; Pointer to the input text.
** MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam; Standard info - see DBDK docs.
** History:
** 05/18/1999 - Generated by BladeSmith Version 4.00.517.
** Identification:
** Warning: Do not remove or modify this comment:
** PoemDestroy FunctionId: 92e262ae-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000
Poem * Gen_param1, /* The UDT value. */
MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam /* Standard info - see DBDK docs. */
MI_CONNECTION * Gen_Con; /* The current connection. */
Poem * Gen_InData; /* The input UDT value. */
/* Get the current connection handle. */
Gen_Con = mi_open( NULL, NULL, NULL );
/* Verify that the connection has been established. */
if( Gen_Con == 0 )
** Opening the current connection has failed
** so issue the following message and quit.
** "Connection has failed in PoemDestroy."
DBDK_TRACE_ERROR( "PoemDestroy", ERRORMESG1, 10 );
/* not reached */
/* Point to the input data. */
Gen_InData = Gen_param1;
/* If the LO is valid ... */
if( mi_lo_validate( Gen_Con, &Gen_InData->poem ) == 0 )
/* ... decrement its reference count. */
mi_lo_decrefcount( Gen_Con, &Gen_InData->poem );
/* Close the connection. */
mi_close( Gen_Con );
/* }}FUNCTION (#B9TQ) */
/* {{FUNCTION(92e262a7-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000) (MergeSection) */
** Function name:
** PoemSend
** Description:
** The binary send function is used to convert an instance of a
** data type between its internal representation on the server and
** on the client.
** Special Comments:
** Support routine for opaque type Poem returns mi_sendrecv.
** Parameters:
** Poem * Gen_param1; Pointer to the input text.
** MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam; Standard info - see DBDK docs.
** Return value:
** mi_sendrecv * The constructed UDT value.
** History:
** 05/18/1999 - Generated by BladeSmith Version 4.00.517.
** Identification:
** Warning: Do not remove or modify this comment:
** PoemSend FunctionId: 92e262a7-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000
mi_sendrecv *
Poem * Gen_param1, /* The UDT value */
MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam /* Standard info - see DBDK docs. */
MI_CONNECTION * Gen_Con; /* The current connection. */
Poem * Gen_InData; /* Pointer to the UDT value. */
Poem * Gen_OutData; /* Pointer to the packet data. */
mi_sendrecv * Gen_RetVal; /* The return value. */
/* Get the current connection handle. */
Gen_Con = mi_open( NULL, NULL, NULL );
/* Verify that the connection has been established. */
if( Gen_Con == 0 )
** Opening the current connection has failed
** so issue the following message and quit.
** "Connection has failed in PoemSend."
/* not reached */
/* Point to the input data. */
Gen_InData = Gen_param1;
/* Allocate a new return value. */
Gen_RetVal = (mi_sendrecv *)mi_new_var( sizeof( Poem ) );
if( Gen_RetVal == 0 )
** Memory allocation has failed so issue
** the following message and quit.
** "Memory allocation has failed in PoemSend."
/* not reached */
/* Point to the output data. */
Gen_OutData = (Poem *)mi_get_vardata( (mi_lvarchar *)Gen_RetVal );
/* Prepare the value for Gen_OutData->poem. */
mi_put_bytes( (mi_unsigned_char1 *)&Gen_OutData->poem, (char *)
&Gen_InData->poem, DBDK_LOHSIZE );
/* Close the connection. */
mi_close( Gen_Con );
/* Return the UDT for transmission. */
return Gen_RetVal;
/* }}FUNCTION (#C11M) */
/* {{FUNCTION(92e262a8-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000) (MergeSection) */
** Function name:
** PoemReceive
** Description:
** The binary receive function is used to convert an instance of a
** data type between its internal representation on the server and
** on the client.
** Special Comments:
** Support routine for opaque type Poem returns Poem.
** Parameters:
** mi_lvarchar * Gen_param1; Pointer to the input text.
** MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam; Standard info - see DBDK docs.
** Return value:
** Poem * The constructed UDT value.
** History:
** 05/18/1999 - Generated by BladeSmith Version 4.00.517.
** Identification:
** Warning: Do not remove or modify this comment:
** PoemReceive FunctionId: 92e262a8-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000
Poem *
mi_sendrecv * Gen_param1, /* The UDT value. */
MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam /* Standard info - see DBDK docs. */
MI_CONNECTION * Gen_Con; /* The current connection. */
Poem * Gen_RetVal; /* The return value. */
Poem * Gen_InData; /* Packet data. */
Poem * Gen_OutData; /* Output UDT value. */
/* Get the current connection handle. */
Gen_Con = mi_open( NULL, NULL, NULL );
/* Verify that the connection has been established. */
if( Gen_Con == 0 )
** Opening the current connection has failed
** so issue the following message and quit.
** "Connection has failed in PoemReceive."
DBDK_TRACE_ERROR( "PoemReceive", ERRORMESG1, 10 );
/* not reached */
/* Point to the input data. */
Gen_InData = (Poem *)mi_get_vardata( (mi_lvarchar *)Gen_param1 );
/* Allocate room for the UDT. */
Gen_RetVal = (Poem *)mi_alloc( sizeof( Poem ) );
if( Gen_RetVal == 0 )
** Memory allocation has failed so issue
** the following message and quit.
** "Memory allocation has failed in PoemReceive."
DBDK_TRACE_ERROR( "PoemReceive", ERRORMESG2, 10 );
/* not reached */
/* Point to the output data. */
Gen_OutData = (Poem *)Gen_RetVal;
/* Copy the attribute value(s) from the transmission parcel. */
/* Prepare the value for Gen_OutData->poem. */
mi_get_bytes( (mi_unsigned_char1 *)&Gen_InData->poem, (char *)
&Gen_OutData->poem, DBDK_LOHSIZE );
/* Close the connection. */
mi_close( Gen_Con );
/* Return the transmitted UDT value. */
return Gen_RetVal;
/* }}FUNCTION (#B7UE) */
/* {{FUNCTION(92e262aa-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000) (MergeSection) */
** Function name:
** PoemImportBinary
** Description:
** The importbinary function is used to support bulk copy of
** binary data. This function is the same as the import function,
** except that it operates on internal representations of the
** data type. This function is usually only provided for large
** object data types and is called by the LOAD BINARY command of
** dbaccess.
** Special Comments:
** Support routine for opaque type Poem returns Poem.
** Parameters:
** mi_bitvarying * Gen_param1; Pointer to the input text.
** MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam; Standard info - see DBDK docs.
** Return value:
** Poem * The constructed UDT value.
** History:
** 05/18/1999 - Generated by BladeSmith Version 4.00.517.
** Identification:
** Warning: Do not remove or modify this comment:
** PoemImportBinary FunctionId: 92e262aa-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000
Poem *
mi_bitvarying * Gen_param1, /* The input value. */
MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam /* Standard info - see DBDK docs. */
MI_CONNECTION * Gen_Con; /* The current connection. */
Poem * Gen_RetVal; /* The return result. */
Poem * Gen_InData; /* The UDT input value. */
Poem * Gen_OutData; /* The transfer data. */
/* Get the current connection handle. */
Gen_Con = mi_open( NULL, NULL, NULL );
/* Verify that the connection has been established. */
if( Gen_Con == 0 )
** Opening the current connection has failed
** so issue the following message and quit.
** "Connection has failed in PoemImportBinary."
DBDK_TRACE_ERROR( "PoemImportBinary", ERRORMESG1, 10 );
/* not reached */
/* Point to the input data. */
Gen_InData = (Poem *)mi_get_vardata( (mi_lvarchar *)Gen_param1 );
/* Allocate a new UDT for the return result. */
Gen_RetVal = (Poem *)mi_alloc( sizeof( Poem ) );
if( Gen_RetVal == 0 )
** Memory allocation has failed so issue
** the following message and quit.
** "Memory allocation has failed in PoemImportBinary."
DBDK_TRACE_ERROR( "PoemImportBinary", ERRORMESG2, 10 );
/* not reached */
/* Point to the output data. */
Gen_OutData = (Poem *)Gen_RetVal;
/* Prepare the value for Gen_OutData->poem. */
mi_get_bytes( (mi_unsigned_char1 *)&Gen_InData->poem, (char *)
&Gen_OutData->poem, DBDK_LOHSIZE );
/* Close the connection. */
mi_close( Gen_Con );
return Gen_RetVal;
/* }}FUNCTION (#4N64) */
/* {{FUNCTION(92e262a9-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000) (MergeSection) */
** Function name:
** PoemExportBinary
** Description:
** The exportbinary function is used to support bulk copy of
** binary data. This function is the same as the export function,
** except that it operates on internal representations of the data
** type. This function is usually only provided for large object
** data types and is called by the UNLOAD BINARY command of dbaccess.
** Special Comments:
** Support routine for opaque type Poem returns mi_bitvarying.
** Parameters:
** Poem * Gen_param1; Pointer to the input text.
** MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam; Standard info - see DBDK docs.
** Return value:
** mi_bitvarying * The exported UDT value.
** History:
** 05/18/1999 - Generated by BladeSmith Version 4.00.517.
** Identification:
** Warning: Do not remove or modify this comment:
** PoemExportBinary FunctionId: 92e262a9-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000
mi_bitvarying *
Poem * Gen_param1, /* The UDT value. */
MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam /* Standard info - see DBDK docs. */
MI_CONNECTION * Gen_Con; /* The current connection. */
mi_bitvarying * Gen_RetVal; /* The return value. */
Poem * Gen_InData; /* The transfer data. */
Poem * Gen_OutData; /* The output data. */
/* Get the current connection handle. */
Gen_Con = mi_open( NULL, NULL, NULL );
/* Verify that the connection has been established. */
if( Gen_Con == 0 )
** Opening the current connection has failed
** so issue the following message and quit.
** "Connection has failed in PoemExportBinary."
DBDK_TRACE_ERROR( "PoemExportBinary", ERRORMESG1, 10 );
/* not reached */
/* Point to the input data. */
Gen_InData = Gen_param1;
/* Allocate the output parcel. */
Gen_RetVal = (mi_bitvarying *)mi_new_var( sizeof( Poem ) );
if( Gen_RetVal == 0 )
** Memory allocation has failed so issue
** the following message and quit.
** "Memory allocation has failed in PoemExportBinary."
DBDK_TRACE_ERROR( "PoemExportBinary", ERRORMESG2, 10 );
/* not reached */
/* Point to the output data. */
Gen_OutData = (Poem *)mi_get_vardata( (mi_lvarchar *)Gen_RetVal );
/* Prepare the value for Gen_OutData->poem. */
mi_put_bytes( (mi_unsigned_char1 *)&Gen_OutData->poem, (char *)
&Gen_InData->poem, DBDK_LOHSIZE );
/* Close the connection. */
mi_close( Gen_Con );
/* Return the UDT value. */
return Gen_RetVal;
/* }}FUNCTION (#JJ7V) */
/* {{FUNCTION(92e262b0-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000) (MergeSection) */
** Function name:
** PoemCompare
** Description:
** Perform the comparison operations required to compare two
** UDT values.
** This function returns zero if the two UDT values are equal and
** a non-zero value otherwise.
** Special Comments:
** Compares two fixed-sized opaque types
** Parameters:
** Poem * Gen_param1; The first UDT value to compare.
** Poem * Gen_param2; The second UDT value to compare.
** MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam; Standard info - see DBDK docs.
** Return value:
** mi_integer The comparison result.
** History:
** 05/18/1999 - Generated by BladeSmith Version 4.00.517.
** Identification:
** Warning: Do not remove or modify this comment:
** PoemCompare FunctionId: 92e262b0-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000
Poem * Gen_param1, /* The first UDT value to compare. */
Poem * Gen_param2, /* The second UDT value to compare. */
MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam /* Standard info - see DBDK docs. */
MI_CONNECTION * Gen_Con; /* The current connection. */
mi_integer Gen_cc; /* Numeric attribute difference. */
Poem * Gen_Value1; /* Pointer to the first value. */
Poem * Gen_Value2; /* Pointer to the second value. */
/* Get the current connection handle. */
Gen_Con = mi_open( NULL, NULL, NULL );
/* Verify that the connection has been established. */
if( Gen_Con == 0 )
** Opening the current connection has failed
** so issue the following message and quit.
** "Connection has failed in PoemCompare."
DBDK_TRACE_ERROR( "PoemCompare", ERRORMESG1, 10 );
/* not reached */
/* Point to the data values that are to be compared. */
Gen_Value1 = Gen_param1;
Gen_Value2 = Gen_param2;
** Compare the two large objects. This
** comparison does not actually compare
** the large objects themselves - only
** the handles. Additional code can be
** added here to compare the large objects.
Gen_cc = mi_lo_ptr_cmp( Gen_Con, &Gen_Value1->poem, &Gen_Value2->poem );
if( Gen_cc )
return Gen_cc == 0 ? 0 : 1;
/* Close the connection. */
mi_close( Gen_Con );
return 0;
/* }}FUNCTION (#IHAN) */
/* {{FUNCTION(92e262b1-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000) (MergeSection) */
** Function name:
** PoemEqual
** Description:
** Determine if one UDT value is equal to another.
** Special Comments:
** Compares two fixed-sized opaque types for equality
** Parameters:
** Poem * Gen_param1; The first UDT value to compare.
** Poem * Gen_param2; The second UDT value to compare.
** MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam; Standard info - see DBDK docs.
** Return value:
** mi_boolean The comparison result.
** History:
** 05/18/1999 - Generated by BladeSmith Version 4.00.517.
** Identification:
** Warning: Do not remove or modify this comment:
** PoemEqual FunctionId: 92e262b1-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000
Poem * Gen_param1, /* The first UDT value to compare. */
Poem * Gen_param2, /* The second UDT value to compare. */
MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam /* Standard info - see DBDK docs. */
/* Call Compare to perform the comparison. */
return (mi_boolean)(0 == PoemCompare( Gen_param1,
Gen_param2, Gen_fparam ));
/* }}FUNCTION (#A375) */
/* {{FUNCTION(92e262b2-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000) (MergeSection) */
** Function name:
** PoemNotEqual
** Description:
** Determine if one UDT value is not equal to another.
** Special Comments:
** Compares two fixed-sized opaque types for non-equality
** Parameters:
** Poem * Gen_param1; The first UDT value to compare.
** Poem * Gen_param2; The second UDT value to compare.
** MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam; Standard info - see DBDK docs.
** Return value:
** mi_boolean The comparison result.
** History:
** 05/18/1999 - Generated by BladeSmith Version 4.00.517.
** Identification:
** Warning: Do not remove or modify this comment:
** PoemNotEqual FunctionId: 92e262b2-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000
Poem * Gen_param1, /* The first UDT value to compare. */
Poem * Gen_param2, /* The second UDT value to compare. */
MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam /* Standard info - see DBDK docs. */
/* Call Compare to perform the comparison. */
return (mi_boolean)(0 != PoemCompare( Gen_param1,
Gen_param2, Gen_fparam ));
/* }}FUNCTION (#L515) */
/* {{FUNCTION(92e262af-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000) (MergeSection) */
** Function name:
** PoemLOhandles
** Description:
** Special Comments:
** Support routine for opaque type Poem returns mi_bitvarying.
** Parameters:
** Poem * Gen_param1; Pointer to the input text.
** MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam; Standard info - see DBDK docs.
** Return value:
** mi_bitvarying * The constructed UDT value.
** History:
** 05/18/1999 - Generated by BladeSmith Version 4.00.517.
** Identification:
** Warning: Do not remove or modify this comment:
** PoemLOhandles FunctionId: 92e262af-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000
mi_bitvarying *
Poem * Gen_param1, /* The UDT value. */
MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam /* Standard info - see DBDK docs. */
MI_CONNECTION * Gen_Con; /* The current connection. */
Poem * Gen_InData; /* The UDT value. */
MI_LO_LIST * Gen_OutData; /* Point to the output table. */
mi_integer Gen_nLOs; /* Number of LOs in UDT. */
mi_integer Gen_LOno; /* Index into the table. */
mi_bitvarying * Gen_RetVal; /* "Array" of LO handles. */
/* Get the current connection handle. */
Gen_Con = mi_open( NULL, NULL, NULL );
/* Verify that the connection has been established. */
if( Gen_Con == 0 )
** Opening the current connection has failed
** so issue the following message and quit.
** "Connection has failed in PoemLOhandles."
DBDK_TRACE_ERROR( "PoemLOhandles", ERRORMESG1, 10 );
/* not reached */
/* Point to the input data. */
Gen_InData = Gen_param1;
/* Initialize the number of LO handles that are valid. */
Gen_LOno = Gen_nLOs = 0;
** Validate any LO before using it. LOs
** with invalid handles are simply ignored.
/* If the LO is valid ... */
if( mi_lo_validate( Gen_Con, &Gen_InData->poem ) == 0 )
/* Add it to the count. */
** If there are any large objects,
** add them to the return array.
if( Gen_nLOs )
** Allocate the return array. This will be a variable
** length array of large object handles.
Gen_RetVal = (mi_bitvarying *)mi_new_var(
sizeof(mi_integer) + Gen_nLOs * DBDK_LOHSIZE );
if( Gen_RetVal == 0 )
** Memory allocation has failed so issue
** the following message and quit.
** "Memory allocation has failed in PoemLOhandles."
DBDK_TRACE_ERROR( "PoemLOhandles", ERRORMESG2, 10 );
/* not reached */
/* Point to the output LO table. */
Gen_OutData = (MI_LO_LIST *)mi_get_vardata( (mi_lvarchar *)Gen_RetVal );
** Validate any LO before using it. LOs
** with invalid handles are simply ignored.
/* If the LO is valid ... */
if( mi_lo_validate( Gen_Con, &Gen_InData->poem ) == 0 )
/* Save it. */
memcpy( &Gen_OutData->lol_handles[Gen_LOno++],
&Gen_InData->poem, DBDK_LOHSIZE );
/* Save the number of LOs in the return structure. */
Gen_OutData->lol_cnt = Gen_LOno;
/* Close the connection. */
mi_close( Gen_Con );
/* Return the array of LO handles. */
return Gen_RetVal;
/* Close the connection. */
mi_close( Gen_Con );
/* Return failure. */
return 0;
/* }}FUNCTION (#S3A1) */
/* {{FUNCTION(92e262ab-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000) (MergeSection) */
** Function name:
** PoemImportText
** Description:
** The import function enables bulk copy for user-defined types.
** When the LOAD statement is used from dbaccess to copy data
** from a file into the database, the server calls the import
** function to convert the incoming value to the data type's
** internal format.
** Special Comments:
** Support routine for opaque type Poem returns Poem.
** Parameters:
** mi_impexp * Gen_param1; Pointer to the input text.
** MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam; Standard info - see DBDK docs.
** Return value:
** Poem * The constructed UDT value.
** History:
** 05/18/1999 - Generated by BladeSmith Version 4.00.517.
** Identification:
** Warning: Do not remove or modify this comment:
** PoemImportText FunctionId: 92e262ab-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000
Poem *
mi_impexp * Gen_param1, /* The import text. */
MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam /* Standard info - see DBDK docs. */
MI_CONNECTION * Gen_Con; /* The current connection. */
gl_mchar_t * Gen_InData; /* Pointer to the input data. */
gl_mchar_t * Gen_StartInData; /* First value of Gen_InData. */
Poem * Gen_OutData; /* Pointer to the output data. */
mi_integer Gen_DataLen; /* Length of the data in bytes. */
Poem * Gen_RetVal; /* The return value. */
char Gen_LOFile[FILENAME_MAX]; /* Store the file name here.*/
/* Get the current connection handle. */
Gen_Con = mi_open( NULL, NULL, NULL );
/* Verify that the connection has been established. */
if( Gen_Con == 0 )
** Opening the current connection has failed
** so issue the following message and quit.
** "Connection has failed in PoemImportText."
DBDK_TRACE_ERROR( "PoemImportText", ERRORMESG1, 10 );
/* not reached */
/* Point to the input data. */
Gen_InData = (gl_mchar_t *)mi_get_vardata( (mi_lvarchar *) Gen_param1 );
Gen_StartInData = Gen_InData;
/* Get the length of the input string. */
Gen_DataLen = mi_get_varlen( (mi_lvarchar *)Gen_param1 );
/* Allocate a new UDT for the return result. */
Gen_RetVal = (Poem *)mi_alloc( sizeof( Poem ) );
if( Gen_RetVal == 0 )
** Memory allocation has failed so issue
** the following message and quit.
** "Memory allocation has failed in PoemImportText."
DBDK_TRACE_ERROR( "PoemImportText", ERRORMESG2, 10 );
/* not reached */
/* Point to the output data. */
Gen_OutData = (Poem *)Gen_RetVal;
/* Get the MI_LO_HANDLE data value for poem. */
Gen_InData = Gen_sscanf( Gen_Con, "PoemImportText", Gen_InData,
mi_get_varlen( (mi_lvarchar *) Gen_param1 ),
"%s %n",
Gen_LOFile );
/* Load the large object from the file. */
Gen_LoadLOFromFile( Gen_Con, "PoemImportText", Gen_LOFile,
&Gen_OutData->poem );
/* Close the connection. */
mi_close( Gen_Con );
/* Return the UDT value. */
return Gen_RetVal;
/* }}FUNCTION (#8CE4) */
/* {{FUNCTION(92e262ac-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000) (MergeSection) */
** Function name:
** PoemExportText
** Description:
** The export function enables bulk copy for user-defined types.
** When the UNLOAD statement is used from dbaccess to copy data
** from the database to a file, the server calls the export
** function to convert the outcoming value to the data type's
** external format.
** Special Comments:
** Support routine for opaque type Poem returns mi_impexp.
** Parameters:
** Poem * Gen_param1; Pointer to the input text.
** MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam; Standard info - see DBDK docs.
** Return value:
** mi_impexp * The exported UDT value.
** History:
** 05/18/1999 - Generated by BladeSmith Version 4.00.517.
** Identification:
** Warning: Do not remove or modify this comment:
** PoemExportText FunctionId: 92e262ac-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000
mi_impexp *
Poem * Gen_param1, /* The UDT value. */
MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam /* Standard info - see DBDK docs. */
MI_CONNECTION * Gen_Con; /* The current connection. */
mi_integer Gen_CharLen; /* Estimate maximum length. */
Poem * Gen_InData; /* Pointer to the input data. */
char * Gen_OutData; /* Pointer to the output data. */
mi_impexp * Gen_RetVal; /* The return result. */
mi_integer Gen_DataLen; /* The data length. */
char Gen_LOFile[FILENAME_MAX]/* Store the file name here.*/
/* Get the current connection handle. */
Gen_Con = mi_open( NULL, NULL, NULL );
/* Verify that the connection has been established. */
if( Gen_Con == 0 )
** Opening the current connection has failed
** so issue the following message and quit.
** "Connection has failed in PoemExportText."
DBDK_TRACE_ERROR( "PoemExportText", ERRORMESG1, 10 );
/* not reached */
/* Point to the input data. */
Gen_InData = Gen_param1;
/* Compute the maximum length of the text representation. */
Gen_CharLen = 1 /* Leave room for the NULL terminator.*/
+ 261 /* Add the length for poem. */
/* Allocate the output parcel. */
Gen_RetVal = (mi_impexp *)mi_new_var( Gen_CharLen );
if( Gen_RetVal == 0 )
** Memory allocation has failed so issue
** the following message and quit.
** "Memory allocation has failed in PoemExportText."
DBDK_TRACE_ERROR( "PoemExportText", ERRORMESG2, 10 );
/* not reached */
/* Point to the output data. */
Gen_OutData = mi_get_vardata( (mi_lvarchar *)Gen_RetVal );
/* Format the attribute value into the output string. */
/* Save the large object to disk. */
strcpy( Gen_LOFile, LO_FN_MASK );
Gen_StoreLOToFile( Gen_Con, "PoemExportText", Gen_LOFile, &Gen_InData->poem );
/* Construct the return value: the LO's file name. */
sprintf( Gen_OutData, "%s", Gen_LOFile );
/* Advance past the formatted data. */
Gen_OutData += strlen( Gen_OutData );
** Compute the length of the data and
** place it in the return structure.
Gen_DataLen = (mi_integer)(Gen_OutData - mi_get_vardata( (mi_lvarchar *)
Gen_RetVal ));
mi_set_varlen ( (mi_lvarchar *) Gen_RetVal, Gen_DataLen );
/* Close the connection. */
mi_close( Gen_Con );
/* Return the UDT value. */
return Gen_RetVal;
/* }}FUNCTION (#79TB) */
/* {{FUNCTION(92e262b3-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000) (MergeSection) */
** Function name:
** PoemInput
** Description:
** This function converts from the external representation of the
** UDT type Poem to its internal representation. The external
** representation is a blank-separated list of values and the
** internal representation is a 'C' structure of type Poem as
** defined in the header file.
** Since the Poem type contains an MI_LO_HANDLE attribute, code
** must be supplied here to maintain its reference count. This insures
** that the large object is not dropped while a record in the database
** stores a pointer to it.
** The assign and destroy functions must be present, and properly
** registered, if the input or output functions are used. Missing
** these functions will cause SmartBlob error 12059.
** Data can be inserted into a table using an SQL insert statement:
** insert into tablename values ( 'value-list' );
** value-list is a space-delimited list of values.
** Selecting a large object will cause the large object to be written
** to a file and the value returned for the large object will be its
** file name.
** Values for large objects are the large object's file name.
** The file name must be enclosed in double quotes (i.e., ").
** Special Comments:
** Support routine for opaque type Poem returns Poem.
** Parameters:
** mi_lvarchar * Gen_param1; Pointer to the input text.
** MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam; Standard info - see DBDK docs.
** Return value:
** Poem * The constructed UDT value.
** History:
** 05/18/1999 - Generated by BladeSmith Version 4.00.517.
** Identification:
** Warning: Do not remove or modify this comment:
** PoemInput FunctionId: 92e262b3-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000
Poem *
mi_lvarchar * Gen_param1, /* Pointer to the input text. */
MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam /* Standard info - see DBDK docs. */
MI_CONNECTION * Gen_Con; /* The current connection. */
gl_mchar_t * Gen_InData; /* Pointer to the input data. */
gl_mchar_t * Gen_StartInData; /* First value of Gen_InData. */
Poem * Gen_OutData; /* Pointer to the output data. */
mi_integer Gen_DataLen; /* Length of the data in bytes. */
Poem * Gen_RetVal; /* The return value. */
char Gen_LOFile[FILENAME_MAX]; /* Store the file name here.*/
/* Get the current connection handle. */
Gen_Con = mi_open( NULL, NULL, NULL );
/* Verify that the connection has been established. */
if( Gen_Con == 0 )
** Opening the current connection has failed
** so issue the following message and quit.
** "Connection has failed in PoemInput."
/* not reached */
/* Point to the input data. */
Gen_InData = (gl_mchar_t *)mi_get_vardata( (mi_lvarchar *) Gen_param1 );
Gen_StartInData = Gen_InData;
/* Get the length of the input string. */
Gen_DataLen = mi_get_varlen( Gen_param1 );
/* Allocate a new UDT for the return result. */
Gen_RetVal = (Poem *)mi_alloc( sizeof( Poem ) );
if( Gen_RetVal == 0 )
** Memory allocation has failed so issue
** the following message and quit.
** "Memory allocation has failed in PoemInput."
/* not reached */
/* Point to the output data. */
Gen_OutData = (Poem *)Gen_RetVal;
/* Get the MI_LO_HANDLE data value for poem. */
Gen_InData = Gen_sscanf( Gen_Con, "PoemInput", Gen_InData,
mi_get_varlen( Gen_param1 ),
"%s %n",
Gen_LOFile );
/* Load the large object from the file. */
Gen_LoadLOFromFile( Gen_Con, "PoemInput", Gen_LOFile,
&Gen_OutData->poem );
/* Close the connection. */
mi_close( Gen_Con );
/* Return the UDT value. */
return Gen_RetVal;
/* }}FUNCTION (#PEM0) */
/* {{FUNCTION(92e262a6-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000) (MergeSection) */
** Function name:
** PoemOutput
** Description:
** This function converts from the internal representation of the
** UDT type Poem to its external representation. The external
** representation is a blank-separated list of values and the
** internal representation is a 'C' structure of type Poem as
** defined in the header file.
** Data can be retrieved from a table using an SQL select statement:
** select * from tablename;
** Selecting a large object will cause the large object to be written
** to a file and the value returned for the large object will be its
** file name.
** Values for large objects are the large object's file name.
** The file name must be enclosed in double quotes (i.e., ").
** Special Comments:
** Support routine for opaque type Poem returns mi_lvarchar.
** Parameters:
** Poem * Gen_param1; Pointer to the input text.
** MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam; Standard info - see DBDK docs.
** Return value:
** mi_lvarchar * The constructed UDT value.
** History:
** 05/18/1999 - Generated by BladeSmith Version 4.00.517.
** Identification:
** Warning: Do not remove or modify this comment:
** PoemOutput FunctionId: 92e262a6-0d7a-11d3-98b2-000000000000
mi_lvarchar *
Poem * Gen_param1, /* The UDT value. */
MI_FPARAM * Gen_fparam /* Standard info - see DBDK docs. */
MI_CONNECTION * Gen_Con; /* The current connection. */
mi_integer Gen_CharLen; /* Estimate maximum length. */
Poem * Gen_InData; /* Pointer to the input data. */
char * Gen_OutData; /* Pointer to the output data. */
mi_lvarchar * Gen_RetVal; /* The return result. */
mi_integer Gen_DataLen; /* The data length. */
char Gen_LOFile[FILENAME_MAX]; /* Store the file name here.*/
/* Get the current connection handle. */
Gen_Con = mi_open( NULL, NULL, NULL );
/* Verify that the connection has been established. */
if( Gen_Con == 0 )
** Opening the current connection has failed
** so issue the following message and quit.
** "Connection has failed in PoemOutput."
/* not reached */
/* Point to the input data. */
Gen_InData = Gen_param1;
/* Compute the maximum length of the text representation. */
Gen_CharLen = 1 /* Leave room for the NULL terminator.*/
+ 261 /* Add the length for poem. */
/* Allocate room for the output string. */
Gen_RetVal = mi_new_var( Gen_CharLen );
if( Gen_RetVal == 0 )
** Memory allocation has failed so issue
** the following message and quit.
** "Memory allocation has failed in PoemOutput."
/* not reached */
/* Point to the output data. */
Gen_OutData = mi_get_vardata( Gen_RetVal );
/* Format the attribute value into the output string. */
char PoemStart[128];
char * pTag1 = NULL;
char * pTag2 = NULL;
* Get the poem title: open the smart large object, read the first 127 bytes,
* look for the begin-title and end-title XML tags, then close the object.
LO_fd = mi_lo_open( Gen_Con, &Gen_InData->poem, MI_LO_RANDOM | MI_LO_RDONLY );
if (LO_fd != MI_ERROR)
mi_lo_read( Gen_Con, LO_fd, PoemStart, 127);
PoemStart[127] = 0;
pTag1 = strstr( PoemStart, "<title>" );
pTag2 = strstr( PoemStart, "</title>" );
if (pTag2 != NULL)
*pTag2 = 0;
mi_lo_close( Gen_Con, LO_fd );
* Build the filename: if the title tags are found, use the poem title plus an
* ".xml" extension as the filename, otherwise, use the name "poem.xml".
if (pTag1 != NULL)
strcpy( Gen_LOFile, pTag1 + 7 );
strcat(Gen_LOFile, ".xml!" );
/* The "!" indicates that the filename need not be unique. */
strcpy( Gen_LOFile, "poem.xml" );
/* Save the large object to disk. */
Gen_StoreLOToFile( Gen_Con, "PoemOutput", Gen_LOFile, &Gen_InData->poem );
/* Construct the return value: the LO's file name. */
sprintf( Gen_OutData, "%s", Gen_LOFile );
/* Advance past the formatted data. */
Gen_OutData += strlen( Gen_OutData );
/* Insert a separator. */
*Gen_OutData++ = ' ';
** Compute the length of the data and
** place it in the return structure.
Gen_DataLen = (mi_integer)(Gen_OutData - mi_get_vardata( Gen_RetVal ));
mi_set_varlen ( Gen_RetVal, Gen_DataLen );
/* Close the connection. */
mi_close( Gen_Con );
/* Return the UDT value. */
return Gen_RetVal;
/* }}FUNCTION (#FQKF) */
#ifdef __cplusplus