-- Create a table with a Poem column
id integer,
poem_col Poem
-- Edit the path of the following INSERT statements
-- so that you insert the XML files you copied in Step 8
-- of this exercise (replace %INFORMIXDIR% with its value)
-- Add three smart large objects to the table
INSERT INTO poems (id, poem_col) VALUES
(1, '"%INFORMIXDIR%\extend\Poem.0\annabel.xml"');
INSERT INTO poems (id, poem_col) VALUES
(2, '"%INFORMIXDIR%\extend\Poem.0\forannie.xml"');
INSERT INTO poems (id, poem_col) VALUES
(3, '"%INFORMIXDIR%\extend\Poem.0\dorado.xml"');
-- Retrieve the smart large objects from the database
-- and copy them to your Poem directory
SELECT * from poems;