The "informix".mqipolicy table
The "informix".mqipolicy table contains policy definitions.
The "informix".mqipolicy table has the policy definitions
for the following attributes:
- General
- Publish
- Receive
- Reply
- Send
- Subscribe
The "informix".mqipolicy table has the following
CREATE TABLE "informix".mqipolicy
policyname VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
messagetype CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'D' CHECK (messagetype IN ('D', 'R')),
messagecontext CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Q' CHECK (messagecontext IN
snd_priority CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'T' CHECK (snd_priority IN
('0','1','2','3','4', '5','6','7','8','9', 'T')),
snd_persistence CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'T' CHECK (snd_persistence IN
snd_expiry INTEGER DEFAULT -1 CHECK ( snd_expiry > 0 OR snd_expiry
= -1 ),
snd_retrycount INTEGER DEFAULT 0 CHECK ( snd_retrycount >= 0 ),
snd_retry_intrvl INTEGER DEFAULT 1000 CHECK ( snd_retry_intrvl >= 0 ),
snd_newcorrelid CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK ( snd_newcorrelid IN ('Y','N')),
snd_resp_correlid CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'M' CHECK ( snd_resp_correlid IN ('M','C')),
snd_xcption_action CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Q' CHECK ( snd_xcption_action IN
snd_report_data CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'R' CHECK ( snd_report_data IN
snd_rt_exception CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK ( snd_rt_exception IN ('Y','N')),
snd_rt_coa CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N', CHECK ( snd_rt_coa IN ('Y','N')),
snd_rt_cod CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK ( snd_rt_cod IN ('Y','N')),
snd_rt_expiry CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK ( snd_rt_expiry IN ('Y','N')),
rcv_truncatedmsg CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK ( rcv_truncatedmsg IN ('Y','N')),
rcv_convert CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK ( rcv_convert IN ('Y','N')),
rcv_poisonmsg CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK ( rcv_poisonmsg IN ('Y','N')),
rcv_openshared CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Q' CHECK ( rcv_openshared IN
rcv_wait_intrvl INTEGER DEFAULT 0 CHECK ( rcv_wait_intrvl >= -1 ),
pub_suppressreg CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK ( pub_suppressreg IN ('Y','N')),
pub_anonymous CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK ( pub_anonymous IN ('Y','N')),
pub_publocal CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK ( pub_publocal IN ('Y','N')),
pub_direct CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK ( pub_direct IN ('Y','N')),
pub_correlasid CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK ( pub_correlasid IN ('Y','N')),
pub_retain CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK ( pub_retain IN ('Y','N')),
pub_othersonly CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK ( pub_othersonly IN ('Y','N')),
sub_anonymous CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK ( sub_anonymous IN ('Y','N')),
sub_sublocal CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK ( sub_sublocal IN ('Y','N')),
sub_newpubsonly CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK ( sub_newpubsonly IN ('Y','N')),
sub_pubonreqonly CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK ( sub_pubonreqonly IN ('Y','N')),
sub_correlasid CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK ( sub_correlasid IN ('Y','N')),
sub_informifret CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK ( sub_informifret IN ('Y','N')),
sub_unsuball CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK ( sub_unsuball IN ('Y','N')),
syncpoint CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK ( syncpoint IN ('Y','N'))
PRIMARY KEY (policyname) );
The attributes are
defined as follows:
- policyname
- The name of the policy.
- messagetype
- The type of message.
- messagecontext
- Defines how the message context is set in messages sent by the
- The default is Set By Queue Manager (the queue manager sets the context).
- If set to Pass Identity, the identity of the request message is passed to any output messages.
- If set to Pass All, all the context of the request message is passed to any output messages.
- If set to No Context, no context is passed.
- snd_priority
- The priority set in the message, where 0 is the lowest priority and 9 is the highest. When set to As Transport, the value from the queue definition is used. You must deselect As Transport before you can set a priority value.
- snd_persistence
- The persistence set in the message, where Yes is persistent and No is not persistent. When set to As Transport, the value from the underlying queue definition is used.
- snd_expiry
- A period of time (in tenths of a second) after which the message will not be delivered.
- snd_retrycount
- The number of times a send will be retried if the return code gives a temporary error. Retry is attempted under the following conditions: Queue full, Queue disabled for put, Queue in use.
- snd_retry_intrvl
- The interval (in milliseconds) between each retry.
- snd_newcorrelid
- Whether each message is sent with a new correlation ID (except for response messages, where this is set to the Message ID or Correl ID of the request message).
- snd_resp_correlid
- The ID set in the Correl ID of a response or report message. This is set to either the Message ID or the Correl ID of the request message, as specified.
- snd_xcption_action
- The action when a message cannot be delivered. When set to DLQ, the message is sent to the dead-letter queue. When set to Discard, the message is discarded.
- snd_report_data
- The amount of data included in a report message, where Report specifies no data, With Data specifies the first 100 bytes, and With Full Data specifies all data.
- snd_rt_exception
- Whether Exception reports are required.
- snd_rt_coa
- Whether Confirm on Arrival reports are required.
- snd_rt_cod
- Whether Confirm on Delivery reports are required.
- snd_rt_expiry
- Whether Expiry reports are required.
- reply_q
- The name of the reply queue.
- reply_qmgr
- The name of the reply Queue Manager.
- rcv_truncatedmsg
- Whether truncated messages are accepted.
- rcv_convert
- Whether the message is code page converted by the message transport when received.
- rcv_poisonmsg
- Whether poison message handling is enabled. Sometimes, a badly formatted message arrives on a queue. Such a message might make the receiving application fail and back out the receipt of the message. In this situation, such a message might be received, and then returned to the queue repeatedly.
- rcv_openshared
- Whether the queue is opened as a shared queue.
- rcv_wait_intrvl
- A period of time (in milliseconds) that the receive waits for a message to be available.
- pub_suppressreg
- Whether implicit registration of the publisher is suppressed. (This attribute is ignored for WebSphere® MQ Integrator Version 2.)
- pub_anonymous
- Whether the publisher registers anonymously.
- pub_publocal
- Whether the publication is only sent to subscribers that are local to the broker.
- pub_direct
- Whether the publisher should accept direct requests from subscribers.
- pub_correlasid
- Whether the Correl ID is used by the broker as part of the publisher's identity.
- pub_retain
- Whether the publication is retained by the broker.
- pub_othersonly
- Whether the publication is not sent to the publisher if it has subscribed to the same topic (used for conference-type applications).
- sub_anonymous
- Whether the subscriber registers anonymously.
- sub_sublocal
- Whether the subscriber is sent publications that were published with the Publish Locally option, at the local broker only.
- sub_newpubsonly
- Whether the subscriber is not sent existing retained publications when it registers.
- sub_pubonreqonly
- Whether the subscriber is not sent retained publications, unless it requests them by using Request Update.
- sub_correlasid
- The broker as part of the subscriber's identity.
- sub_informifret
- Whether the broker informs the subscriber if a publication is retained.
- sub_unsuball
- Whether all topics for this subscriber are to be deregistered.
- syncpoint
- Whether the operation occurred within a syncpoint.