MQ messaging error handling

This topic describes MQ messaging error codes.

SQL State Description
MQ000 Memory allocation failure in %FUNC%.
MQRCV Read %BYTES% from the queue.
MQNMS No data read/received, queue empty.
MQSUB Subscribing to %SUBSCRIBE%.
MQVNV VTI Table definition parameter NAME:%NAME% VALUE:%VALUE%.
MQNPL VTI No policy defined for table mapped to MQ. Must define table with policy attribute.
MQNSV VTI No service defined for table mapped to MQ. Must define table with service attribute.
MQNAC VTI No access defined for table mapped to MQ. Must define table with access attribute.
MQBAC VTI Invalid Access specification FOUND:%VALUE%, possible values%VALONE% or %VALTWO%.
MQVCN VTI Qualified : Column 'correlid' cannot be qualified with NULL.
MQVTB Table missing required 'message' column. Message column is bound to the queue, it is mandatory.
MQVSP VTI mapped Queue did not include the POLICY and SESSION columns.
MQVIA VTI table definition invalid access type (%VALUE%), valid access types are %READ% or %RECEIVE%.
MQVMS VTI mapped queue missing SERVICE specification.
MQVMA VTI mapped QUEUE creation did not include ACCESS definition.
MQVMP VTI mapped QUEUE creation did not include POLICY specification.
MQVQC VTI queue mapping, Column '%COLUMN%' must be qualified with a constant.
MQVQN VTI queue mapping, Column '%COLUMN%' cannot be qualified with NULL.
MQVQE VTI queue mapping, Column '%COLUMN%' can only use equality operator.
MQVQF VTI queue mapping, column '%COLUMN%' - failed to fetch field.
MQSUN Invalid selector '%IDX%' found, path not possible.
MQERX Extended error : '%FUNC%', code:%CODE% explain: %EXPLAIN%, refer to MQSeries® publication for further description.
MQGEN %FUNC% encountered error %ERR% with accompanying message : %MSG%
MQTNL Topic cannot be NULL.
MQCNL Internal error encountered NULL context.
MQNLM Cannot send NULL message.
MQVNQ MQSeries underlying qualification system does not support negation.
MQVDQ Qualifications cannot bridge between MQSeries and database.
MQEDN MQ Transport error, service '%NAME%' underlying queue manager may not be activated.
MQEPL Policy '%POLICY%' could not be found in the repository.
MQRLN Error during read, expected %EXPECT%, received:%READ%.
MQELO Error attempting to fetch CLOB, function:%NAME% returned %CODE%.
MQRDA MQ Transport error, service '%NAME%' underlying transpost layer not enabled to receive requests
MQSDA MQ Transport error, service '%NAME%' underlying transpost layer not enabled to send requests
MQVQM MQSeries : Cannot have multiple qualifies for the same column (%COLUMN%).
MQRFQ Retrieved entries from queue, at least one entry failed qualification - data lost.
MQQCI Qualification column invalid, only can qualify on 'topic' and 'correlid'.
MQGER MQ Error : %MSG%
MQZCO Correlation value found to be zero length, invalid value for MQSeries.
MQVTN Must supply name of VTI table.
MQ018 FUNCTION:%NAME%, SERVICE:%SERVICE%, POLICY:%POLICY% :: The specified (sender, receiver, distribution list, publisher, or subscriber) service was not found, so the request was not carried out.
MQ020 FUNCTION:%NAME%, SERVICE:%SERVICE%, POLICY:%POLICY% :: The specified policy was not found, so the request was not carried out.
MQT40 Topic exceeded forty character maximum.
MQINX Input too large, maximum:%len% found:%txt%
MQITM Invalid table 'msg' column size %len%, valid range (1-%max%)
MQEXT AMRC_TRANPORT_ERR, fetched secondary error at:%NAME%, MQI error :%ERR%
MQXAR Xadatasource (%XADS%) registration error : FUNCTION: %FUNCTION%, RETURN VALUE: %VALUE%
MQ010 FUNCTION:%NAME%: Unable to obtain database information.
MQ011 FUNCTION:%NAME%: Error while querying table:%TABNAME%
MQ012 FUNCTION:%NAME%: Unexpected NULL value while querying the table:%TABNAME%
MQ013 FUNCTION:%NAME%: Unexpected return value from mi function while querying table:%TABNAME%
MQ014 FUNCTION:%NAME%: Unexpected failure opening mi connection while querying table:%TABNAME%
MQ015 FUNCTION:%FNAME%, SERVICE:%SERVICE%, POLICY:%POLICY% :: %NAME% is not present in the database %TABNAME% table.
MQ016 FUNCTION:%FNAME%, SERVICE:%SERVICE%, POLICY:%POLICY% :: Connection to Multiple QueueManagers are not allowed in the same transaction.
MQ019 FUNCTION:%FNAME%, SERVICE:%SERVICE%, POLICY:%POLICY% :: Internal Error. not able to switch to the virtual processor where the MQCONNX() is invoked.
MQ017 FUNCTION:%FNAME%, SERVICE:%SERVICE%, POLICY:%POLICY% :: Internal Error. The Virtual processor class not the same as ""MQ""

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