Approximate numbers: FLOAT and SMALLFLOAT

In scientific, engineering, and statistical applications, numbers are often known to only a few digits of accuracy, and the magnitude of a number is as important as its exact digits.

Floating-point data types are designed for these kinds of applications. They can represent any numeric quantity, fractional or whole, over a wide range of magnitudes from the cosmic to the microscopic. They can easily represent both the average distance from the earth to the sun (1.5 x 1011 meters) or Planck's constant (6.626 x 10-34 joule-seconds). For example,
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001);
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (6.626196e-34);

Two sizes of floating-point data types exist. The FLOAT type is a double-precision, binary floating-point number as implemented in the C language on your computer. A FLOAT data type value usually takes up 8 bytes. The SMALLFLOAT (also known as REAL) data type is a single-precision, binary floating-point number that usually takes up 4 bytes. The main difference between the two data types is their precision.

Floating-point numbers have the following advantages:
  • They store very large and very small numbers, including fractional ones.
  • They represent numbers compactly in 4 or 8 bytes.
  • Arithmetic functions such as AVG, MIN, and sort comparisons are efficient on these data types.

The main disadvantage of floating-point numbers is that digits outside their range of precision are treated as zeros.

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