Repairing Failed Transactions with ATS and RIS Files
You can repair failed or inconsistent transactions using an ATS or RIS file if you defined the replicate or replication server with the –ats or –ris option and the ATS or RIS files are being generated in text format.
A repair using an ATS or RIS file repairs the rows associated with the single transaction that is recorded in the specified ATS or RIS file. To apply repairs based on an ATS or RIS file, use the cdr repair command.
Note: The cdr
repair command is not supported for replicates that are
defined with the --UTF8=y option. For replicates
that are defined with the --UTF8=y option, use the cdr
check replicate --repair or cdr check replicateset
--repair command to repair data.
The cdr repair command
processes one ATS or RIS file each time you specify the command. The
following table shows how failed operations are handled.
Failed Operation | Action Taken |
Delete | Delete on the target server |
Insert or Update |
Each operation is displayed to stderr, unless you use the –quiet option with the cdr repair command. You can preview the operations without performing them by using the –check option with the cdr repair command.