onstat -g dtc: Print statistics about delete table cleaner

Prints statistics about the delete table cleaner.

The delete table cleaner removes rows from the delete table when they are no longer needed.

The onstat -g dtc command is used primarily as a debugging tool and by Software Support.

In the following example, the thread name of the delete table cleaner is CDRDTCleaner. The total number of rows deleted is 1. The last activity on this thread occurred at 2010/08/13 18:47:19. The delete table for replicate rep1 was last cleaned at 2010/08/13 18:28:25.
-- Up 00:59:15 -- 28672 Kbytes
-- Delete Table Cleanup Status as of (1095119368) 2010/08/13 18:49:28
thread           = 49 <CDRDTCleaner>
      rows deleted     = 1
      lock timeouts    = 0
      cleanup interval = 300
      list size        = 3
      last activity    = (1095119239) 2010/08/13 18:47:19

Id      Database                         Last Cleanup Time
        Replicate            Server              Last Log Change
000001  test                             (1095118105) 2010/09/13
        rep1                 g_bombay            (1095118105) 2010
        /08/13 18:28:25
        rep1                 g_delhi             (1095118105) 2010
        /08/13 18:28:25
000002  test                             <never cleaned>

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