The syscdrprog Table

The syscdrprog table lists the contents of the Enterprise Replication progress tables.

The progress tables keep track of what data has been sent to which servers and which servers have acknowledged receipt of what data. Enterprise Replication uses the transaction keys and stamps to keep track of this information.

The progress table is two dimensional. For each server to which Enterprise Replication sends data, the progress tables keep progress information on a per-replicate basis.
Column Type Description
dest_id integer Server ID of the destination server
repl_id integer The ID that Enterprise Replication uses to identify the replicate for which this information is valid
source_id integer Server ID of the server from which the data originated
key_acked_srv integer Last key for this replicate that was acknowledged by this destination
key_acked_lgid integer Logical log ID
key_acked_lgpos integer Logical log position
key_acked_seq integer Logical log sequence
tx_stamp_1 integer Together with tx_stamp2, forms the stamp of the last transaction acknowledged for this replicate by this destination
tx_stamp_2 integer Together with tx_stamp1, forms the stamp of the last transaction acknowledged for this replicate by this destination

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