The syscdrs Table

The syscdrs table contains information about database servers in an Enterprise Replication domain.

Column Type Description
servid integer Server identifier.
servname char(128) Database server name.
cnnstate char(1) Status of connection to this database server:
  • C = Connected
  • D = Connection disconnected (will be retried)
  • E = Error during connection
  • F = Connection failed
  • K = In the process of connecting
  • L = The connection is to the local server
  • R = Disconnected but will attempt to reconnect
  • T = Idle time-out caused connection to terminate
  • X = Connection closed by user command and unavailable until reset by user
cnnstatechg integer Time that connection state was last changed.
servstate char(1) Status of database server:
  • A = Active. The server is active and replicating data.
  • D = Deleted. The server has been deleted; it is not capturing or delivering data and the queues are being drained.
  • S = Suspended. Delivery of replication data to the server is suspended.
  • Q = Quiescent. The server is in the process of being defined.
  • U = Disabled. Only delete shadow tables are populated in this state.
ishub char(1) Whether the server is a hub server that forwards information to another replication server:
  • Y = Server is a hub
  • N = Server is not a hub
isleaf char(1) Whether the server is a leaf or a nonleaf server:
  • Y = Server is a leaf server
  • N = Server is not a leaf server
rootserverid integer The identifier of the root server.
forwardnodeid integer The identifier of the parent server.
timeout integer The number of minutes of idle time between replication servers before the connection is timed out.

Although not directly connected, a nonroot server is similar to a root server except it forwards all replicated messages through its parent (root) server. All nonroot servers are known to all root servers and other nonroot servers. A nonroot server can be a terminal point in a tree or it can be the parent for another nonroot server or a leaf server. Nonroot and root servers are aware of all replication servers in the replication environment, including all the leaf servers.

A leaf server is a nonroot server that has a partial catalog. A leaf server has knowledge only of itself and its parent server. It does not contain information about replicates of which it is not a participant. The leaf server must be a terminal point in a replication hierarchy.

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