ATS and RIS File Formats

You can choose to generate ATS and RIS files in text format, XML format, or both formats.

The format of ATS and RIS files is part of the server definition that you create with the cdr define server command:

Text (Default)
ATS and RIS files are generated as text files that Enterprise Replication can process during a repair operation. Text format is useful if you intend to use the cdr repair command to repair inconsistencies.
ATS and RIS files are generated as XML files that you can use if you write your own custom repair scripts. You cannot use ATS or RIS files in XML format with the cdr repair command.
ATS and RIS files are generated in both text and XML format so that you can choose how to process failed transactions.

Enterprise Replication raises event alarms when ATS and RIS files are generated regardless of format.

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