You can create a grid based on an existing replication
domain. You must authorize users who can run grid routines, and designate
a server from which to run grid routines.
You must be connected to a replication server in the domain
that contains the servers that you want to include in the grid.
To create a grid:
- Specify a name for the grid and the servers to include
in the grid by running the cdr define grid command.
For example, the following command creates a grid named grid1 and
adds all replication servers in the domain as members of the grid:
cdr define grid grid1 --all
- Authorize users to run commands on the grid and designate
a server from which grid commands can be run by running the cdr
enable grid command. For example, the following command
authorizes the user bill to run commands on the server gserv1:
cdr enable grid --grid=grid1 --user=bill --node=gserv1
Only authorized users can run grid routines on authorized
servers. User informix does not have permission to perform
grid operations unless you include it in the user list.