Configuring secure connections for grid queries
If the sqlhosts files on the grid servers include the s=6 option, you must define alternate connections for grid queries. On the grid server from which you want to run grid queries, create a grid.servers file that lists the server group names and aliases for the other grid servers.
You do not
need to encrypt the file. Authentication is done through normal
authentication methods.
To configure secure connections for grid queries:
On the grid server from which you want to run grid queries,
create a text file named grid.servers in the INFORMIXDIR/etc directory.
List each grid server group name and alias on a separate line.
For example, the following sqlhosts file
for a grid uses the s=6 option for secure connections:
#dbservers nettype hostname servicename options
g_ca_sf group - - i=100
san_francisco ontlitcp computer1 sf_alt g=g_ca_sf,s=6
g_ca_sj group - - i=200
san_jose ontlitcp computer2 sj_alt g=g_ca_sj,s=6
g_ca_okl group - - i=300
oakland ontlitcp computer3 okl_alt g=g_ca_okl,s=6
g_ca_yk group - - i=400
yreka ontlitcp computer4 yk_alt g=g_ca_yk,s=6
g_ca_sac group - - i=500
sacramento ontlitcp computer5 sac_alt g=g_ca_sac,s=6
g_ca_stk group - - i=600
stockton ontlitcp computer6 stk_alt g=g_ca_stk,s=6
The corresponding grid.servers file has the following contents:
#group alias
g_ca_sf sf_alt
g_ca_sj sj_alt
g_ca_okl okl_alt
g_ca_yk yk_alt
g_ca_sac sac_alt
g_ca_stk stk_alt