Preprocessor options specific to Windows environments

The following additional preprocessing options are available to you if you use IBM® Informix® ESQL/C in a Windows environment.

Line wrapping

The Informix ESQL/C preprocessor translates one embedded SQL statement as one C line. Long lines can cause problems for some debuggers and editors. You can use the -lw option to tell the preprocessor to wrap output lines at a specific column position. For example, the following esql command tells the preprocessor to wrap lines at column 75:
esql -lw:75

If you omit the -lw option, the preprocessor does not perform line wrapping.

Change error and warning displays

By default, the IBM Informix ESQL/C preprocessor generates error and warning messages when it processes the Informix ESQL/C file. It displays these errors and warnings in the console window. You can change the display of error and warning messages with the following command-line options:
  • Use the -nowarn option to suppress warning messages. This option has no effect on error messages.
  • Use the -mserr option to display error and warning messages in Microsoft Error Message format. Some text editors understand this format and can use it to go to the line in the Informix ESQL/C source file that caused the error or warning.

Set tab stops

By default, the IBM Informix ESQL/C preprocessor formats the C source file with tab stops at every eighth column position. You can use the -ts option to set different tab stops. For example, the following esql command tells the preprocessor to set tab stops every four characters:
esql -ts:4

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