Client-side rows

A row variable is sometimes called a client-side row. When you declare a row variable, you must declare the row variable name, allocate memory, and perform operations on the row.

To access the elements of a row variable, you specify the variable in the collection-derived table clause of a SELECT or UPDATE statement. When either of these statements contains a collection-derived table clause, IBM® Informix® ESQL/C performs the select or update operation on the row variable; it does not send these statements to the database server for execution. For example, Informix ESQL/C executes the update operation on the row variable, a_row, that the following UPDATE statement specifies:
EXEC SQL update table(:a_row) set fld1 = 6;

To access fields of a row type, you must use the SELECT or UPDATE statements with the collection-derived table clause.

For more information about the collection-derived table clause, see Access a collection.

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