To allocate memory yourself
To specify that you are allocating the memory to store
data for an lvarchar host variable you must first call ifx_var_flag(),
giving the address of the lvarchar pointer and setting the
flag value to zero (0), as the following example shows:
ifx_var_flag(&mypoly, 0);
you must fetch the data into sqlda or a system descriptor structure.
You can then use the ifx_var_getllen() function
to obtain the length of the data and use the ifx_var_alloc() function
to allocate memory of that size.
#include <stdio.h>
exec sql include “polyvar.h” /* includes udt - polygon_type */
exec sql begin declare section;
lvarchar ‘polygon_type’ *mypoly1
char *buffer;
int size, p_id, len;
exec sql end declare section;
ifx_var_flag(&mypoly1, 0); /* specifies that appl. will allocate
memory */
exec sql select poly into :mypoly1 from polygon_tab where p_id = 1;
if ( ifx_var_getlen(&mypoly1) > 0 ) { /* If select returns valid data
buffer = (char *)ifx_var_getdata(&mypoly1); /*Access data in
* mypoly1*/
printf(“Length of data : %ld \n”, (int)ifx_var_getlen(&mypoly) );
ifx_var_dealloc(&mypoly1); /* Always users responsibility to free */