The dececvt() and decfcvt() functions
The dececvt() and decfcvt() functions are analogous to the subroutines under ECVT(3) in section three of the UNIX Programmer's Manual. The dececvt() function works in the same fashion as the ecvt(3) function, and the decfcvt() function works in the same fashion as the fcvt(3) function. They both convert a decimal type number to a C char type value.
char *dececvt(dec_val, ndigit, decpt, sign)
dec_t *dec_val;
mint ndigit;
mint *decpt;
mint *sign;
char *decfcvt(dec_val, ndigit, decpt, sign)
dec_t *dec_val;
mint ndigit;
mint *decpt;
mint *sign;
- dec_val
- A pointer to a decimal structure that contains the decimal value you want these functions to convert.
- ndigit
- The length of the ASCII string for dececvt(). It is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point for decfcvt().
- decpt
- A pointer to an integer that is the position of the decimal point relative to the start of the string. A negative or zero value for *decpt means to the left of the returned digits.
- sign
- A pointer to the sign of the result. If the sign of the result is negative, *sign is nonzero; otherwise, *sign is zero.
The dececvt() function converts the decimal value to which np points into a null-terminated string of ndigit ASCII digits and returns a pointer to the string. A subsequent call to this function overwrites the string.
The dececvt() function rounds low-order digits.
The decfcvt() function is identical to dececvt(), except that ndigit specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point instead of the total number of digits.
ndigit value | Return string | *decpt value | *sign |
4 | "1235" | 5 | 0 |
10 | "1234567000" | 5 | 0 |
1 | "1" | 5 | 0 |
3 | "123" | 5 | 0 |
Example of dececvt()
* *
The following program converts a series of DECIMAL numbers to fixed
strings of 20 ASCII digits. For each conversion it displays the resulting
string, the decimal position from the beginning of the string and the
sign value.
#include <stdio.h>
EXEC SQL include decimal;
char *strings[] =
char result[40];
mint x;
mint i = 0, f, sign;
dec_t num;
char *dp, *dececvt();
printf("DECECVT Sample ESQL Program running.\n\n");
if (x = deccvasc(strings[i], strlen(strings[i]), &num))
printf("Error %d in converting string [%s] to DECIMAL\n",
x, strings[i]);
printf("\Input string[%d]: %s\n", i, strings[i]);
dp = dececvt(&num, 20, &f, &sign); /* to 20-char ASCII string */
printf(" Output of dececvt(&num, 20, ...): %c%s decpt: %d sign: %d\n",
(sign ? '-' : '+'), dp, f, sign);
dp = dececvt(&num, 10, &f, &sign); /* to 10-char ASCII string */
/* display result */
printf(" Output of dececvt(&num, 10, ...): %c%s decpt: %d sign: %d\n",
(sign ? '-' : '+'), dp, f, sign);
dp = dececvt(&num, 4, &f, &sign); /* to 4-char ASCII string */
/* display result */
printf(" Output of dececvt(&num, 4, ...): %c%s decpt: %d sign: %d\n",
(sign ? '-' : '+'), dp, f, sign);
dp = dececvt(&num, 3, &f, &sign); /* to 3-char ASCII string */
/* display result */
printf(" Output of dececvt(&num, 3, ...): %c%s decpt: %d sign: %d\n",
(sign ? '-' : '+'), dp, f, sign);
dp = dececvt(&num, 1, &f, &sign); /* to 1-char ASCII string */
/* display result */
printf(" Output of dececvt(&num, 1, ...): %c%s decpt: %d sign: %d\n",
(sign ? '-' : '+'), dp, f, sign);
++i; /* next string */
printf("\nDECECVT Sample Program over.\n\n");
Output of dececvt()
DECECVT Sample ESQL Program running.
Input string[0]: 210203.204
Output of dececvt: +2102 decpt: 6 sign: 0
Output of dececvt: +2102032040 decpt: 6 sign: 0
Output of dececvt: +2 decpt: 6 sign: 0
Output of dececvt: +210 decpt: 6 sign: 0
Input string[1]: 4894
Output of dececvt: +4894 decpt: 4 sign: 0
Output of dececvt: +4894000000 decpt: 4 sign: 0
Output of dececvt: +5 decpt: 4 sign: 0
Output of dececvt: +489 decpt: 4 sign: 0
Input string[2]: 443.334899312
Output of dececvt: +4433 decpt: 3 sign: 0
Output of dececvt: +4433348993 decpt: 3 sign: 0
Output of dececvt: +4 decpt: 3 sign: 0
Output of dececvt: +443 decpt: 3 sign: 0
Input string[3]: -12344455
Output of dececvt: -1234 decpt: 8 sign: 1
Output of dececvt: -1234445500 decpt: 8 sign: 1
Output of dececvt: -1 decpt: 8 sign: 1
Output of dececvt: -123 decpt: 8 sign: 1
Input string[4]: 12345.67
Output of dececvt: +1235 decpt: 5 sign: 0
Output of dececvt: +1234567000 decpt: 5 sign: 0
Output of dececvt: +1 decpt: 5 sign: 0
Output of dececvt: +123 decpt: 5 sign: 0
Input string[5]: .001234
Output of dececvt: +1234 decpt: -2 sign: 0
Output of dececvt: +1234000000 decpt: -2 sign: 0
Output of dececvt: +1 decpt: -2 sign: 0
Output of dececvt: +123 decpt: -2 sign: 0
DECECVT Sample Program over.
Example of decfcvt()
* *
The following program converts a series of DECIMAL numbers to strings
of ASCII digits with 3 digits to the right of the decimal point. For
each conversion it displays the resulting string, the position of the
decimal point from the beginning of the string and the sign value.
#include <stdio.h>
EXEC SQL include decimal;
char *strings[] =
mint x;
dec_t num;
mint i = 0, f, sign;
char *dp, *decfcvt();
printf("DECFCVT Sample ESQL Program running.\n\n");
if (x = deccvasc(strings[i], strlen(strings[i]), &num))
printf("Error %d in converting string [%s] to DECIMAL\n",
x, strings[i]);
dp = decfcvt(&num, 3, &f, &sign); /* to ASCII string */
/* display result */
printf("Input string[%d]: %s\n", i, strings[i]);
printf(" Output of decfcvt: %c%*.*s.%s decpt: %d sign: %d\n\n",
(sign ? '-' : '+'), f, f, dp, dp+f, f, sign);
++i; /* next string */
printf("\nDECFCVT Sample Program over.\n\n");
Output of decfcvt()
DECFCVT Sample ESQL Program running.
Input string[0]: 210203.204
Output of decfcvt: +210203.204 decpt: 6 sign: 0
Input string[1]: 4894
Output of decfcvt: +4894.000 decpt: 4 sign: 0
Input string[2]: 443.334899312
Output of decfcvt: +443.335 decpt: 3 sign: 0
Input string[3]: -12344455
Output of decfcvt: -12344455.000 decpt: 8 sign: 1
DECFCVT Sample Program over.