The ifxsqlj command
You use the java ifxsqlj command to translate and compile your Embedded SQLJ source code. You run the java ifxsqlj command at the DOS or UNIX prompt.
java ifxsqlj optionlist filelist
- optionlist
- A set of options separated by spaces. Some options have prefixes to indicate they are to be passed to utilities other than the SQLJ translator, such as the Java™ compiler.
- filelist
- A list of filenames separated by spaces: for example, file1.sqlj
You must include the absolute or relative path to the files in filelist.
The files can have the extension .sqlj or .java. You can specify .sqlj files together with .java files on the same command line.
If you have .sqlj and .java files that require access to code in each other’s file, enter all of these files on the command line for the same execution of the java ifxsqlj command.
You can use an asterisk ( * ) as a wildcard to specify filenames; for example, c*.sqlj processes all files beginning with c that have the extension .sqlj.
When you run the java ifxsqlj command, your CLASSPATH environment variable must be set to include any directories that contain .class files and .ser files the translator needs to access for type resolution of variables in your Embedded SQLJ source code.
Basic options for the ifxsqlj command
The following table lists the basic options available for use with the java ifxsqlj command.
- Option
- Description
- -d
- Specifies the root output directory for generated .ser and .class files
If you do not specify this option, files are generated under the directory of the input .sqlj file.
- -dir
- Specifies the root output directory for generated .java files
If you do not specify this option, files are generated under the directory of the input .sqlj file.
- -encoding
- Specifies the GLS encoding for .sqlj and .java input
files and for .java generated files
If unspecified, the setting of the file.encoding property for the Java interpreter is used.
The -encoding option is also passed to the Java compiler.
- -help
- Displays option names, descriptions, and current settings
The list displays:
- The name of the option
- The type of the option (for example, if it is Boolean) or a selection of allowed values
- The current value
- A description of the option
- Whether the property is at its default, or was set by either a property file or the command line
No translation or compilation is performed when you specify the -help option.
- -linemap
- Enables the mapping of line numbers between the generated .java file
and the original .sqlj file
The -linemap option is useful for debugging because it allows you to trace compilation and execution errors back to your Embedded SQLJ source code.
For the -linemap option to be effective, the name of the .sqlj source code file must match the name of the class it implements.
- -props
- Specifies the name of the property file from which to read options
The ifxprofp tool explains how to use property files.
- -status
- Displays status messages while the java ifxsqlj command is running
- -version
- Displays the version of Embedded SQLJ you are using
No translation or compilation is performed when you specify the -version option.
- -warn
- Specifies a list of flags in a comma-separated string for controlling
the display of warning and information messages during translation
The flags are:
- all/none. Turns on or off all warnings and information messages
- null(default)/nonull. Specifies whether the translator
checks nullable columns and nullable Java variable
types for conversion loss when data is transferred between database
columns and Java host variables
The translator must connect to the database for this option to be in effect.
- precision(default)/noprecision. Specifies whether
the translator checks for loss of precision when data is transferred
between database columns and Java variables
The translator must connect to the database for this option to be in effect.
- portable(default)/noportable. Turns on or off warning messages about the portability of Embedded SQLJ statements
- strict(default)/nostrict. Specifies whether the
translator checks named iterators against the columns returned by
a SELECT statement and issues a warning for any mismatches
The translator must connect to the database for this option to be in effect.
- verbose(default)/noverbose. Turns on or off additional
information messages about the translation process
The translator must connect to the database for this option to be in effect.
For example, the following setting of the -warn option turns off all warnings and then turns on the precision and nullability checks:
Advanced options for the ifxsqlj command
The following table lists the advanced options available for use with the java ifxsqlj command. Many of these options are for online checking, which is discussed in Online checking.
- Option
- Description
- -cache
- Turns on the caching of results from online checking
Caching saves you from unnecessary connections to the database in subsequent runs of the translator for the same file.
Results are written to the file SQLChecker.cache in your current directory. The cache holds serialized representations of all SQL statements that translated without errors or warnings. The cache is cumulative and grows through successive invocations of the translator.
You empty the cache by deleting the SQLChecker.cache file.
Caching is off by default; you turn caching on by setting the -cache option to true, 1, or on; for example, -cache=true. You turn caching off by setting the option to false, 0, or off.
- -compile
- Set this flag to false to disable processing of .java files by the compiler. This applies to generated .java files and to .java files specified on the command line.
- -compiler-executable
- Specifies a particular Java compiler
for the java ifxsqlj command to use
If not specified, the translator uses javac. If you do not specify a directory path, the java ifxsqlj command searches for the executable according to the setting of your PATH environment variable.
- -compiler-encoding-flag
- Set this flag to false to prevent the value of the SQLJ -encoding option from being automatically passed to the compiler.
- -compiler-output-file
- If you have instructed the Java compiler to output its results to a file, use the -compiler-output-file option to specify the filename.
- -driver
- Specifies a list of JDBC drivers that can be used to interpret
JDBC connection URLs for online checking (see Online checking)
You specify a class name or a comma-separated list of class names. For example, specify HCL Informix® JDBC Driver as follows:
- -offline
- Specifies a Java class to
implement off-line checking
The default off-line checker class is sqlj.semantics.OfflineChecker.
Off-line checking only runs when online checking does not (either because online checking was not enabled or because it stopped because of error). Off-line checking verifies SQL syntax and the usage of Java types.
With off-line checking, there is no connection to the database.
- -online
- Specifies a Java class or
list of classes to implement online checking
The default online checker class is sqlj.semantics.JdbcChecker.
You can specify an online checker class for a particular connection context, as in:
You must specify a user name with the -user option for online checking to occur. The -password, -url, and -driver options must be appropriately set as well.
- -password
- Specifies a password for the user name set with the -user option
If you specify the -user option, but not the -password option, the translator prompts you for the password.
If you are using multiple connection contexts, the setting for -password for the default connection context also applies to any connection context that does not have a specific setting.
- -ser2class
- Set this flag to true to convert the generated .ser files
to .class files. This is necessary if you are creating an applet
to be run from a browser, such as Netscape 4.0, that does not support
loading a serialized object from a resource file.
The original .ser file is not saved.
- -url
- Specifies a JDBC URL for establishing a database connection for
online checking (see Database URLs and Online checking)
The URL can include a host name, a port number, and the Informix database name. The format is:
jdbc:informix-sqli://{<ip-address>| <domain-name>}:<port-number>[/<dbname>]: INFORMIXSERVER=<server-name>[;user=<username>; password=<password>;<name>=<value> [;<name>=<value>]...]
If you are using multiple connection contexts, the setting for -url for the default context also applies to any connection context that does not have a specific setting.
You can specify a URL for a particular connection context, as in -url@ctxclass2=....
Any connection context with a URL must also have a user name set for it (using the -user option) for online checking to occur.
- -user
- Enables online checking and specifies the user name with which
the translator connects to the database (see Online checking)
For example, to enable online checking on the default connection context and connect with the user name fred, use the following option:
If you are using multiple connection contexts, the setting for -user for the default connection context also applies to any connection context that does not have a specific setting.
If you want to enable online checking for the default context, but turn off online checking for another connection—for example ctxcon2—you need to specify the -user option twice:
-user=fred -user@ctxcon2=
To enable online checking for a particular connection context, specify that context with the user name, as in:
The classes of the connection contexts you specify must all be declared in your source code or previously compiled into a .class file.
- -vm
- Specifies a particular Java interpreter
for the java ifxsqlj command to use
You must also include the path to the interpreter. If you do not specify a particular Java interpreter using this option, the translator uses java as a default.
The -vm option must be specified on the command line; you cannot set it in a property file.