Data Deletion

Right to Erasure

Article 17 of the GDPR states that data subjects have the right to have their personal data removed from the systems of controllers and processors - without undue delay - under a set of circumstances.

Deletion of data from within a database

Personal data collected by the customer about their clients and stored within Informix can be deleted from individual tables using the DELETE or TRUNCATE SQL statements or by dropping the tables which contain the data. This will make the data inaccessible to future access within the database although it will still potentially exist in database backup images, archived transaction logs, or archived audit files and will continue to do so until those files are removed.

To remove references to a user Informix authorization ID from the system catalog tables, action must be taken to revoke any authorization granted to that authorization ID and to drop or transfer ownership of any object created by that ID.

It is also possible that some references to the deleted personal data could still exist in the Informix diagnostic log or in additional diagnostic files. The customer is responsible for managing these files and removing them if they are no longer needed.

Deletion of an Informix database or instance

To remove the Informix database, the customer can drop the database from the Informix server and then follow standard disk cleaning practices on the storage used by the database. For more information, refer to Dropping databases. To remove the complete Informix installation, the customer can uninstall the product and then follow standard disk cleaning practices on the storage used by the product. For more information, refer to Uninstalling.

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