Locate message files

HCL Informix® products use GLS locales to locate product-specific message files. By default, HCL Informix products automatically search a subdirectory that is associated with the client locale for the product-specific message files.

The following table lists the subdirectory for each platform.
Platform Directory
UNIX $INFORMIXDIR/msg/lg_tr/code_set
Windows %INFORMIXDIR%\msg\lg_tr\code_set

In this path, lg is the language and tr is the territory, from the name of the client locale, and code_set is the condensed form of the code-set name. For more information about condensed code-set names, see Locale-file subdirectories.

HCL Informix products use a precedence of environment variables to locate product-specific message files. The DBLANG environment variable lets you override the client locale for the location of message files that HCL Informix products use. You might use DBLANG to specify a directory where the message files are for each locale that your environment supports.

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