Date and time precedence

HCL Informix® products use a precedence to determine the display format for an internal DATE value.

HCL Informix products use the following precedence:
  1. DBDATE (deprecated)
  2. GL_DATE
  3. Information defined in the client locale (if CLIENT_LOCALE is set)
  4. Default date format is %m/%d/%iy (if DBDATE and GL_DATE are not set, and no locale is specified)
HCL Informix products use the following precedence to determine the display format for an internal DATETIME value:
  1. DBDATE (deprecated) and DBTIME (deprecated)
  3. Information that the client locale defines (CLIENT_LOCALE, if it is set)
  4. Default DATETIME format is %iY-%m-%d %H:%M:%S (if CLIENT_LOCALE, DBTIME and GL_DATETIME are not set)

For more information about these formatting directives, see GL_DATE environment variable and GL_DATETIME environment variable.

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