DBLANG environment variable

The DBLANG environment variable specifies the subdirectory of INFORMIXDIR that contains the customized, language-specific message files that the HCL Informix® product uses.

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Subdirectory of the HCL Informix installation directory (which INFORMIXDIR specifies)
Full path name of the directory that contains the compiled message files
Name of a GLS locale that has the format lg_tr.code_set, where lg is a two-character name that represents the language for a specific locale, tr is a two-character name that represents the cultural conventions, and code_set is the name of the code set that the locale supports
HCL Informix products locate product-specific message files in the following order:
  1. If DBLANG is set to a full_path: the directory that full_name indicates
  2. If DBLANG is set to a relative_path:
    1. In $INFORMIXDIR/msg/$DBLANG on UNIX or %INFORMIXDIR%\msg\%DBLANG% on Windows
  3. If DBLANG is set to a locale_name: the msg subdirectory for the locale in $INFORMIXDIR/msg/lg_tr/code_set on UNIX systems or %INFORMIXDIR%\msg\lg_tr\code_set on Windows, where lg is the language, tr is the territory, and code_set is the code set in locale_name.

    The value of DBLANG does not affect the messages that the database server writes to its message log. The database server obtains the locale for these messages from the SERVER_LOCALE environment variable.

  4. If DBLANG is not set: the msg subdirectory for the locale in $INFORMIXDIR/msg/lg_tr/code_set on UNIX systems or %INFORMIXDIR%\msg\lg_tr\code_set on Windows, where lg is the language and tr is the territory from the locale that is associated with the HCL Informix product, and code_set is the condensed name of the code set that the locale supports:
    • For HCL Informix client products: lg and tr are from the client locale (from CLIENT_LOCALE, if it is set)
    • For HCL Informix database server products: lg and tr are from the server locale (from SERVER_LOCALE, if it is set)
  5. If DBLANG, CLIENT_LOCALE, and LANG are not set:
    1. In $INFORMIXDIR/msg/en_us/0333 on UNIX systems or %INFORMIXDIR%\msg\en_us\0333 on Windows, an internal message directory for the default locale
    2. In $INFORMIXDIR/msg on UNIX systems or %INFORMIXDIR%\msg on Windows, the default HCL Informix message directories

The compiled message files have the .iem file extension.

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