Other character data types
The choice of locale can affect the character data types.
- The CHAR data type
The CHAR data type stores character data in a fixed-length field. Data can be a string of single-byte or multibyte letters, numbers, and other characters that are supported by the code set of your database locale. - The VARCHAR data type
The VARCHAR data type stores character strings of up to 255 bytes in a variable-length field. Data can consist of letters, numbers, and symbols. CHARACTER VARYING is handled the same as VARCHAR. - The LVARCHAR data type
The LVARCHAR data type can store character strings of up to 32,739 bytes in a variable-length field. If you specify no maximum size in its declaration, the default upper size limit is 2048 bytes. Data values can include letters, numbers, symbols, white space, and unprintable characters. - The TEXT data type
The TEXT data type stores any text data. TEXT columns typically store memos, manual chapters, business documents, program source files, and other types of textual information.
Parent topic: Character data types