Specify comments

To use comments after SQL statements, you must use a comment indicator.

Introduce the comment text with one of the following comment indicators:
  • The double-hyphen (--) complies with the ANSI SQL standard.
  • Braces ( { ... } ) are the HCL Informix® extension to the ANSI standard.
  • C-style slash-and-asterisk ( /* . . . */ ) complies with the SQL-99 standard.

In a nondefault locale, you can use any characters in the code set of your locale within a comment. If the locale supports a code set with non-ASCII characters, you can use these characters in an SQL comment.

In the following example, the user inserts a column value that includes multibyte characters in the table mytable:
EXEC SQL insert into mytable
   values ('A1A2B1B2abcd', '123')   -- A1A2 and B1B2 are multibyte characters.

In this example, the SQL comment includes the multibyte characters A1A2 and B1B2. This example assumes that the locale supports a multibyte code set that includes the A1A2 and B1B2 characters. For more information about SQL comments and comment indicators, see the IBM® Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax.

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