IN conditions
An IN condition is satisfied when the expression to the left of the IN keyword is included in the parenthetical list of values to the right of the keyword.
SELECT numéro,nom,prénom
FROM abonnés
WHERE nom IN ('Azevedo', 'Llanero', 'Oatfield');
The query result depends on whether nom is a CHAR or NCHAR column. If nom is a CHAR column, the database server uses code-set order, as Table 1 shows. The database server retrieves rows in which the value of nom is Azevedo, but not rows in which the value of nom is azevedo or Åzevedo because the characters A, a, and Å are not equivalent in the code-set order. The query also returns rows with the nom values of Llanero and Oatfield.
However, if nom is an NCHAR column, the database server uses localized order, as Table 2 shows, to sort the rows. If the locale defines A, a, and Å as equivalent characters in the localized order, the query returns rows in which the value of nom is Azevedo, azevedo, or Åzevedo. The same selection rule applies to the other names in the parenthetical list that follows the IN keyword.