Insert a localized exception message from a C UDR
As noted in the previous section, when you create messages for exceptions raised within user-defined routines (UDRs) by mi_db_error_raise( ), the locale of the message text must match the server-processing locale. If these locales are different, use of an SQL script or of a C UDR that calls the mi_exec( ) function to insert the message is not reliable, because the SQL parser issues an exception when it encounters characters that it does not recognize.
- Use placeholders ('?' symbols) for the SQLSTATE value and the error-message text. These values are in the first (sqlstate) and last columns (message) of the syserrors system catalog table.
- Hardcode the name of the locale that the message text uses. The locale name is in the second column (locale) of syserrors.
stmt = mi_prepare(conn,
"insert into syserrors (?, 'en_us.8859-1', 0, 1, ?)", NULL);
When executing this statement, you must provide values for the placeholders (sqlstate and message) and then use the mi_exec_prepared_statement( ) function to send the prepared INSERT statement to the database server.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "mi.h"
#define MAX_MSG 3
char *enus_msg[MAX_MSG][2] = {
"XT010", "First error message for insertion",
"XT020", "Second error message for insertion",
"XT030", "Third error message for insertion"
* Title: gls_insert_enus
* Purpose: Add localized messages to 'syserrors' system error table
* for given locale, independent of session locale setting.
MI_DATUM args[2]; /* pointers to column values */
mi_integer lens[2]; /* lengths of column values */
mi_integer nulls[2]; /* null capability of columns */
mi_string *types[2]; /* types of columns */
mi_integer i;
MI_CONNECTION *conn = mi_open(NULL, NULL, NULL);
* Prepare statement using placeholder values for sqlstate and message
* columns and fixed values for locale, level, and seqno columns.
stmt = mi_prepare(conn,
"insert into syserrors values(?,'en_us.8859-1',0,1,?)", NULL);
for (i=0; i<MAX_MSG; i++) /* Loop through message array */
args[0] = (MI_DATUM)enus_msg[i][0];
/* Set pointer to sqlstate string */
lens[0] = strlen(args[0]); /* Set length of sqlstate string */
nulls[0] = MI_FALSE; /* Set null handling capability */
types[0] = "char(5)"; /* Set sqlstate column type */
args[1] = (MI_DATUM)enus_msg[i][1];
/* Set pointer to message string */
lens[1] = strlen(args[1]); /* Set length of message string */
nulls[1] = MI_FALSE; /* Set null handling capability */
types[1] = "varchar(255)"; /* Set message column type */
return 0;
For descriptions of executing prepared statements and of how to add customized messages to the syserrors system catalog table, see the IBM® Informix® DataBlade API Programmer's Guide.