Search for trace messages

To write a globalized trace message to your trace-output file, the database server must locate a row in the systracemsgs system catalog table whose locale column matches (or is compatible with) the server-processing locale for your UDR.

Therefore, to see a particular trace message in the trace-output file, environment variables that specify the locale (CLIENT_LOCALE, DB_LOCALE, and SERVER_LOCALE) must be set so that the database server generates a server-processing locale that matches an entry in the systracemsgs system catalog table.

The database server searches the systracemsgs table for an entry with the same name as the tracepoint and a locale in which all components of the locale (language, territory, and code set) are the same in the current processing locale and the locale column of systracemsgs. If only the language and territory match, the database server converts the code set. If no message has matching language and territory, it uses the first available message with the correct language. If there is no message in the appropriate language, it uses the message for the default language, en_us.

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