List GLS locale files
The glfiles utility can create a file that lists the available GLS locales.
- When you specify the -lc command-line option
- When you omit all command-line options
For each lcX subdirectory in the gls directory specified in INFORMIXDIR, glfiles creates a file in the current directory that is called lcX.txt, where X is the version number of the locale object-file format. The lcX.txt file lists the locales in alphabetical order, sorted on the name of the GLS locale object file.
Filename: lc11/ar_ae/0441.lco
Language: Arabic
Territory: United Arab Emirates
Code Set: 8859-6
Locale Name: ar_ae.1089
Filename: lc11/ar_ae/0441greg.lco
Language: Arabic
Territory: United Arab Emirates
Modifier: Gregorian
Code Set: 8859-6
Locale Name: ar_ae.1089@greg
. . .
Filename: lc11/en_us/0333.lco
Language: English
Territory: United States
Code Set: 8859-1
Locale Name: en_us.819
Filename: lc11/en_us/0333dict.lco
Language: English
Territory: United States
Code Set: 8859-1
Locale Name: en_us.819@dict
Filename: lc11/en_us/0352.lco
Language: English
Territory: United States
Code Set: PC-Latin-1
Locale Name: en_us.850
Filename: lc11/en_us/04e4.lco
Language: English
Territory: United States
Code Set: CP1252
Locale Name: en_us.1252
. . .
Examine the lcX.txt files to determine the GLS locales that the $INFORMIXDIR/gls/lcX directory on your system supports.
To find out which GLS locales are available on your Windows system, you must look in the GLS system directories. A GLS locale resides in the file %INFORMIXDIR%\gls\lcX\lg_tr\codemodf.lco
In this path, INFORMIXDIR is the environment variable that specifies the directory in which you install the HCL Informix® product, gls is the subdirectory that contains the GLS system files, X represents the version number of the locale file format, lg is the two-character language name, tr is the two-character territory name that the locale supports, and codemodf is the condensed locale name.