The Load Record Maps window specifies
the device array that holds the input data, the format that describes
the input data, and the database and table where the input data will
be stored.
To complete the Load Record Maps window:
- Click Create in the Selection
Type group.
- Select a name for the map and type it in the Map
Name text box. This example uses a_map.
- Type the name of your database (testdb)
in the Database text box. Or, click the down
arrow to select a database from the selection list.
- Click the down arrow beside the Table text
box to see a list of tables in the selected database.
Figure 2 shows
the Load Record Maps window and the selection
- Select a table from the list and click OK.
Because you already filled in the Format text
box on the Load Jobs window, the Format text
box is already complete.
- Click OK to open the Map-Definition window.